
Apophis was filled with rage as he realized the truth about the Coalition of the Eternals: their leaders had never wanted to save their players, after all.

No. All the SuperGuilds cared about were financial and political gain. They'd used Apophis to obtain a weapon of mass destruction, relying on his knowledge and power to do what they were too pathetic to do themselves. They surely wanted the [Pandemonium] so they could return to Cronos I and use it against Eclipse, punishing the guild for humiliating them during the war.

To the SuperGuilds, the spirit of comradeship and the very idea of honor were meaningless and superficial things. If a player became a liability, their SuperGuild would simply fire them and replace them with someone else.

For a moment, Apophis felt angry at himself for not realizing the truth earlier. He should never have trusted the SuperGuilds in the Coalition to be faithful to their players trapped on Terra.