Chapter 1 He Brought that Woman Home

In A City, a luxury-brand fashion show was being held, and many upper-class ladies attended.

Wearing a long white silk dress and high-end customized diamond jewelry, Nancy Cason sat in her seat and drank red wine.

Her noble and elegant movements and outstanding appearance attracted the attention of everyone present.

At this time, a low voice came from the crowd.

"What a poor girl! Even if she is the lady of the Roberts family, so what? What's the difference between being a widow?"

"I heard that Mr. Roberts doesn't like her at all. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been out drinking and gossiping all day long."

Hearing that, Nancy Cason stopped for a moment and smiled indifferently.

Everyone in A City knew that the lady of the Roberts family was just a mascot.

Henry Roberts was willing to give her whatever the lady of the Roberts family should have.

Unfortunately, this so-called husband never cared about her.

"Miss Cason..."

A well-dressed woman walked out of the crowd, with her belly up and her waist carefully supported.

"I'm pregnant with Mr. Roberts's child. I hope you can be sensible, divorcing Mr. Roberts as soon as possible and setting him free."

In the face of the sudden change, everyone looked at them in astonishment.

This woman was the most popular diva, Cindy Metea, one of the spokespersons of the fashion show.

As a popular star of entertainment circles, her such comments and behaviors were no different from suicide, but

As long as she could successfully force her to divorce and marry Henry Roberts, the commercial emperor, everything was worth it.

However, after taking a slight glance at her belly, Nancy Cason forced a smile and asked, "How long have you been pregnant?"

"Three months," Cindy Metea answered stubbornly.

Three months ago, it was indeed photographed that Cindy Metea drank with Henry Roberts in a bar, so the child naturally…

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the response of Nancy Cason.

However, Nancy Cason picked up her bag on the table, took out a stack of money, threw it at the feet of Cindy Metea, and said, "Get it to have an abortion."

Cindy Metea was not reconciled and roared, "I'm pregnant with Mr. Roberts's child! When this child is born in the future, he will be the eldest grandson of the Roberts family! I can't have an abortion, unlike you, a loser! You have married Mr. Roberts for so many years and don't even have a child!"

In the face of the provocation, however, Nancy Cason didn't take it seriously. Instead, she narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You are the eighteenth person to talk to me like this."

She glanced at the bill on the ground casually and yawned lazily. "Before I go back on my word, take the money and get out of here. I'm betrayed and even give money to a mistress to have an abortion. There is no original wife in the world better than me, right?"

Cindy Metea's face distorted. She had never expected that she would end up like this.

She held her fingers tightly and threatened, "I'll save your face. Don't wait for Mr. Roberts to talk about divorce with you in person."

Shaking the glass in her hand, Nancy Cason smiled leisurely. "Then let's talk about it when you can let him divorce me."

When the bodyguards heard the news, they hurried to drag Cindy Metea away.

Nancy Cason stood up and looked at the bill on the ground. Shrugging helplessly, she said, "Well, if you got the money and went out of here as soon as possible, it wouldn't be like this, right?"

Then she turned to the people present and showed a charming smile. "Sorry to disturb everyone's interest. You can continue."

When Nancy Cason picked up his bag and walked out of the hall, she received a call from her nanny.

"Madam, Mr. Roberts... brought a woman home."