Chapter 2 I Wanted to Divorce

On the way home, Nancy Cason felt a little strange.

No matter how dissolute Henry Roberts was outside, he would never bring a woman home.

Why this time?

Was... Was that woman back?

Thinking of this, she dialed the lawyer's number. "Give me the prepared materials I asked you."

When Nancy Cason rushed back to the villa, she saw a car parked at the gate, which was full of luggage.

She couldn't help raising her eyebrows. Was she going to settle in their house?

The Xinyuan villa was the wedding room of Nancy Cason and Henry Roberts. When the two of them got married, they didn't hold a banquet. They got their marriage certificate in the morning and moved into the villa under the cameras in the afternoon.

In the past few years, Henry Roberts seldom came back, and only she stayed here alone.

When Nancy Cason walked into the villa, she saw a familiar figure in the living room.

Sharrphy, the ex-girlfriend of Henry Roberts.

She had congenital heart disease and couldn't give birth. She had been receiving treatment abroad these years.

Now that she was back, she must have recovered.

Seeing that, Sharrphy Bell still sat on the sofa and greeted her, "Miss. Cason, you're back?"

She turned to the nanny in the villa and ordered as if she was the real hostess, "Miss. Cason just came back from outside. I think she must be thirsty. Go and make a cup of coffee for her. I remember... Miss Cason likes ice coffee, which needs to be freshly ground."

Nancy Cason was still standing at the door and looking at her.

Only then did Sharrphy Belly realize that it was not appropriate. She pretended to be nervous and asked, "Miss Cason, I just came back from abroad and my health is not very good. Brother Henry is worried that I can't take care of myself, so he asked me to move into the villa and live with you. Don't you mind?"

"I don't mind," said Nancy Cason with a smile.

She looked around the living room of the villa and didn't find Henry Roberts.

When she raised her head again, she saw Henry Roberts coming down the stairs of the second floor and standing there still.

Although this man was a complete scum, his appearance was one of the best in A City. With his slender figure, delicate eyes, and noble temperament, even without the money and the background of the Roberts family, he could charm thousands of women just by his face.

"Sharrphy will stay here for a while," said Henry Roberts in a mellow voice.

Raising her eyebrows, Nancy Cason replied lazily, "Then shall I move out?"

"No, thanks."

"I'm busy with my work. You stay and take care of her for a few days."

In an instant, Nancy Cason thought to herself, "Fuck, you want me to stay in one room with your ex-girlfriend and even want me to serve her?"

Thinking of Cindy Metea, she asked with a smile, "Could you talk with me alone?"

She didn't mind what kind of woman Henry Roberts had outside. She was afraid that Henry Roberts' sweetheart couldn't accept it if she knew it. If something happened to Sharrphy Belly, Henry Roberts would probably do accounts with her.

Sharrphy Belly looked at Henry Roberts timidly and asked vigilantly, "Miss Cason, what will you say to Brother Henry?"

Did she take herself as the hostess of the villa?

Although Nancy Cason sneered in her heart, she didn't show it on her face.

She turned her head and said meaningfully, "I met a person at the fashion show today."

Henry Roberts's face changed. He took a look at Sharrphy Belly and said, "Go into the study."

With an expression of grievance on her face, Sharrphy Belly stood still, grasping her side, like a swaying white lotus in the wind.

Following Henry Roberts upstairs, Nancy Cason took out a stack of documents from her bag and threw them to him.

"Sign it. We'll divorce."