The students of royal envoy's academy were dressed as nobles, no wonder it was a school for the wealthy. Their uniform was royal blue with a red tie or bow tie for the girls. I was assigned to teach the fifth grade and I just hope I wouldn't regret taking this job too. I walked quietly into the classroom and introduced myself. The students although looked like rascals, but I just knew how to handle them.

"So, ladies and gentlemen… would you kindly introduce yourself?" I requested and they laughed. I nodded annoyingly. Furthermore, I paced to the board and pointed at the boy at the front row who was busy reading a magazine, how disrespectful. As he stood up to speak, I suddenly heard a loud blast within the school. The children looked at me scared.

"Run!!" I yelled, and the children began jumping over their desk to scramble for survival, I was behind leading them out and before my eyes, a missile passed through the window and exploded.

"And that's my name" the boy's voice beckoned, jerking me back to reality.

"Run!" I yelled, and the students looked at me surprised.

"Are we shooting a movie?" A girl asked curious.

"Maybe because she just got here" her peer said aloud.

"Can't you hear me! We all are going to die if we don't run!" I yelled and banged the board, which shuddered my students, who were fifteen.

"Argh!!!" Everyone screamed and began to head towards the door. It was a good thing I convinced them. Quickly, I ran towards the door but mistakenly bumped the wall and I fell down greatly, but I still managed to be on my feet. As I ran towards the balcony, I could see my students dashing into various classes even if a tutor was around and calling out that we all are going to die if we don't run. I watched as some teachers seemed confused at the chaos that was being caused. I saw one of my students almost jumping from the balcony upstairs and I ran to hold him back, it was then I noticed that I was just lost in imaginations and thought it was the true scene before me. I was just scared that what happened to that grocery shop shouldn't repeat itself. How was I going to stop this now because from the looks of things, all the students were heading towards the school gate to leave the school for safety? No one wanted to die but live. I was also perplexed that some teachers too were running along with the students. What have I done? I climbed down the stairs and found the principal waiting for me downstairs with a furious glare.

"Calm this madness!!" He retorts, breathing hard, and I clenched my teeth embarrassed.

"Again!!!" Jessica and Mirabelle chorused immediately I got home. I always met them at my doorstep when there was trouble.

"My daughter almost died trying to run!" Mirabelle wailed, annoyed, as Thelma ran from me to her mother. She heard her tight, scared.

"What were you thinking?" She pressed.

"I was just trying to help"

"Awesome by almost sending some kids to their grave!" She mocked and headed to her apartment, while Jessica just shook her head. What was she going to say now.

"Is it true what I hear about you?" She began.

"No, not literally true, Maybe I was just caught up in a scandal…"

"Jane…you've been acting weird since you returned from doctor smart's laboratory" she bellowed.

"It's just a misunderstanding, besides everyone makes mistakes" I defended, trying to open my door.

"But not as grave as yours…you just seemed to see things entirely different"

"What are trying to say? Do you believe them too? That I'm acting strange…you of all people should understand what I am going through" I rapped, turning my door knob.

"It's not what you think" she said.

"Please I want to be alone…say sorry on my behalf to Mirabelle…it just a misunderstanding!" I concluded and slammed the door at her. If things wasn't going to work out here, then I would behave like though I don't exist. I was getting tired of the complaints about me. I wonder what gossip would turn up now about me. Why was I just seeing destruction anywhere I was? It pissed me off sometimes and when I try to tell people about that, it would turn to something else. I could even tell what would happen to people I was close to and yet, it was rare to believe me even if it comes into fruition, and it happened that only Jessica believed me, but now she was tired of the cramps I said. Who would ever believe what I say? I felt like crying but am a strong lady right? Why should I waste my beautiful tears over such issues when there was a way out? I opened my cupboard and brought out a visa. I would just leave the country with no one knowing. I was definitely tired of being blamed for causing chaos always and the worst thing to ever happen was to be arrested by the police, and it happened to me twice. Well, it was in this same environment this happened, but I am glad my neighbors stood for me. I was taking a stroll around the street when I saw a thug trying to harass a woman who stood beside a building. I jumped over the pavement that was at my front and punched the man hard and pinned him to the ground with my elbow on his neck. The woman scoffed and pushed me back, then I realized that it was her husband who was hugging her, but I thought I saw a thug? I looked around and saw someone by the corner staring at me. He seemed the same as the thug I had seen earlier.

"How dare you!" She scolded.

"Are you a stalker or what!" Her husband barked with pains on the ground as the woman helped him to get on his feet. I tried to explain, but these two were bent on arresting, which eventually came to place.