The Anonymous Alpha

Somewhere far from our imagination away from our grasp a realm among many exists. MT Solasovia was the name of a kingdom that existed in the realm. The kingdom stood like a giant, mighty among other kingdoms, the kingdom was once known to be peaceful and protective, but the Alpha and his queen passed away, living the throne to their only heir who was never seen by the population, even when his parents stood to speak to their people the heir was always absent, a mystery to their minds and rumors to their ears. 

But things started to grow worse after the army reported a neighboring kingdom wanting to take over, the heir had gone forward fearlessly and conquered the kingdom, slain the king, and all the rebelling soldiers who refused to surrender, and added the survival and their land to be part of his kingdom. The people cheered him, despite their ignorance of his appearance and gender. 

Many more enemies came and were equally conquered violently, the kingdom became rich and feared among nations, but slowly the thirst for war and violence of their unknown alpha grew farer and larger than they could imagine. When complaints arrived all mouths who utter words against the heir were put to death at the moment. The unknown heir eventually achieved the greatest plans ruling all the beings despite their differences and hatred for each other, he brought them together to honor him and him alone, cause he was believed to be a god, a hybrid king, though his plans and twisted desires didn't end there, he grew out of control wanting the whole realm for himself and by so doing he needed more powers which he obtained from the souls and pain of his own people. 

Soon more evil and powerful beings heard of the kingdom and were heading towards the great nation to consume the souls and energy from fear out of the pain the city was in. 

Nevertheless, the anonymous king was not the only powerful being in the realm, just in case such a being was raised, preparation of six powerful wise men was in place for the balance of the realm, and the king was approaching his guaranteed end. The kingdom was a mixture of witches, vampires, werewolves, and other lowly creatures.

In the palace of the king decorated in gold and silver, an ancient melody from the harp is waving through the halls in a dulcet symphony. Though the tone of the composed note was of pure sadness and grief, strong and flexible feet danced to them as their life depended on it, they danced with refined steps, body-like petals, hands like angelic wings disclosing the agony behind the musical notes. 

Long silvery hair swaying to the enchanting melody, wrapped and unwrapped still remained delicately conserved. 

Behind the scene a king is seated on his throne, clothed in a black and golden robe, with the skin of his hands glowing pale thanks to the darkness of his robe. 

His head rested on his palm as his long snow-white hair dropped on the side of his face. His two-colored eyes watched her like she was the biggest disappointment he had ever come across. 

One green as new spring grass, the other red as angry flames bored into her eyes like sapphire, she quickly looked away and tried to concentrate but it was unfortunately too late. She missed a step and stumbled over her ankle causing a loud crack to erupt, she bit her lips to keep the pain in not daring to touch her feet. The harpist ceased the melody as the king rose to his feet in splendor lips in a small straight line, as usual, the dancer who was no other person than the betrothed of the king looked up at his face only to find the coldness and emotionlessness she had always found. 

His two-colored eyes scrutinized her. "Shame you, woman. You should be banished from the kingdom for your failures. But because of the sake of my late parents' royal promise of me to yours, I'll keep you and mold you to be my wife and if your clumsiness continues I'll have no choice but to terminate the promise and sacrifice you to my hunger, even your body will not be returned to your parents." He uttered she cringed quickly, bowing to him.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I'll submit to you and whatever it is that I have to do I'll lay my life for it." She quickly apologized. 

"Get out of my sight, worthless." He growled inside his throat and some female servants in sky blue robes helped the wounded maiden to her feet exiting the room with her. 

"Keep the song going, harpist." He ordered emotionlessly and the harpist obeyed while he returned to his throne and listened out far out of the kingdom, at the very threatening sounds of the Orchardians drawing closer to the kingdom with each moment that passed, soon there would be a war, an utmost war between them, he needed as much strength as he could gather it was no child's play the situation was critical. He would need to strengthen up and defend his kingdom like his parents before him. 

"Guards." He mind linked. 

Three werewolves came rushing in and bowing at the feet of his throne in clanging metals as armor. "Order the prisoners in the sacrificial chamber, that I may have my lunch." 

"Yes, my Lord." The three werewolves replied in unison, and equally excited the room leaving the king to himself. 

"Enough harpist! You play like the old fool I killed for missing a note last week." He said in dismissal as the talented witch withdrew from the room looking sad. 

The King took off his robe when in his royal room and got into his traditional pants that looked like the Hindu's or Indian traditional pants but were made suitable. 

He stepped into the sacrificial chamber with his faithful werewolves guards. The prisoners looked skinny, with little flesh, but they still breath and feel, that was all the king needed. 

They were chained to the arms of a huge star drawn on the floor with white and red paint in the shape of a star with a circle. He mounted the stairs into the circle and the guards watched him, his breast down to his mid-back was covered with a huge winged beast-like tattoo spitting flames looking furious, it was not a tattoo but a birthmark like it. On the croak of his neck is an old branding with the Solasovia symbols showing dangerously. 

He moved his long white hair to cover the brand and spread his arms on his side and his feet too. "Bestow on me the power of cruelty, cause me to etch the pain into them and gnash their remains. Bring to my burdened soul the merriment it deserves." He chanted in the Solasovian language. 

The circle lit up with flames, the guards backed off knowing the consequences of staying closer.

The flames radiated a huge heat that could consume any human within reach. The prisoners' shriek and blood-curdling screams filled the walls and shook them greatly. 

The King took a deep breath, an invisible substance like smoke shot out of the agonizing prisoner's body rushing into his nose. He sighs as they continue to scream. 

The beast on his birthmark started to twirl around his body leaving its original spot to fly the body like the sky. It was not the first time, the guards looked down unworthy to behold their king. His long hair stood from his shoulders into the air and his body began to glow. He doesn't stop chanting to himself, the spell he was taught by his mother. 

The prisoners' screams slowly began to halt as they burned to ashes by the consuming flames that had grown larger and powerful. 

After the last resounding scream echoed around the wall and faded, the flames slowly died down and the king stepped out looking renewed and displeased. 

"Next time you pick such weaklings you'll replace them instead, get me warriors, not merchants. I need to boost my powers. Now dismiss, useless faithful!" He growled and they bowed slowly obeying their alpha and not daring to overlook him. 

He got into his robe with the help of his servant. The fabric brushed his skin and he felt covered again and less cold. The little amount of a normal being given to him.