The six wise men.

In the planning chambers the king stood over the map of his territory watching his vast area with discontentment, he could still see several kingdoms he hadn't conquered even though they were as small as a tiny dot. He wanted all to bow to him and call him sovereign and serve at his feet, that was power and authority, in exchange for protection. Of course, he would die for them, was it their worship he desired to keep, or was it a feeling of cherishing?

A knock from the door at the far end brought him to his map once again he balled his fist behind his back.

"Come in." He mind-linked to his guard.

The werewolf walked in his armor as usual. "Alpha, my Lord. You received a magic mail. May I call in the wizard to read them to you?" He bowed while speaking.

"No, I'm capable of doing that myself. Call in a wizard tutor." He demanded.

"Yes, my lord." He backed away and disappeared behind the door. The King sat on his royal chair and twirled his index finger in the air drawing a symbol.

"Open." He voiced and the sparks filled the air, engulfed in black smoke letters began to appear and he read carelessly.

Dear King Oxias Elias Sideris

This is a letter from the six elders traveling from far and wide and hearing the news about your rule.

Many kingdoms cringe in terror at your reign and many families lost their relations, many warriors died and many souls are crying to be restored in the heart of the Enchanted Realm. The fairies reported bad and sudden deaths causing a fuss on their list of inhabitants. The leprechaun complains of the pollution from Solasovia crawling up their territory out of this realm to engulf their rainbows and cause them to lose their gold.

Many other complaints have been brought to us even from your subjects. For the greater good of peace, we politely suggest you cease your project till the issue is resolved and restore the souls you have acquired.

This is our last warming to your highness. We'll take a stroll by the palace if more disorders are reported.

Signed. So, Ho, Bo, Ko, Vo, Xo.

He slammed his fist on the table immediately dismissing the magical mail. He balled his fist till his knuckles cracked

"Those gypsy vermin." He clenched his jaw.

"My Lord, the wizard is here to tutor you." The guard returned to report.

"Gather the force troop, in the meeting hall." He ordered, angrily flipping his robe out of his way so he could stride out of the room to his study where he found his newly acquired tutor, who was an old wizard, but he hoped he was still useful.

"My Lord." The wizard bowed. He raised his robe so he could sit comfortably, the hem of his Hanfu hit the floor as he adjusted his royal wears, he grabbed a brush soaking it in ink he started writing.

"I want more power, I want to go beyond my limits." He said not looking up at the elderly man.

"My Lord is beside the most dangerous desire you've ever had."

"Save it senseless old man and give me answers." He said sternly.

"Forgive my indiscretion, my king. In order to obtain the infinite power you long desire and go beyond your limits you'll have to absorb as many as all these realms habitats, but." He paused.

The king looked up, "speak." He ordered.

"There is another alternative. Find the Mongora stone and consume the souls it already prisoned. But you have to have a goal and that only will determine what you turn out to be."

"Mongora? I've never had of such stone, and I'm the most supreme and knowledgeable being in this realm." He said.

"Yes my Lord. I know. But the Mongora stone was even before your grandfather, it was erased from history because of so many evil hearts wanting the stone in their possession."

"And where do I find such a stone?" He demanded.

The wizard waved his hand in the air and a book appeared on the king's table. "You have all your information here my Lord."

The king looked down at the old book. "You may dismiss and keep this to you, is that understood wizard?"

"Yes, My Lord." He bowed his long beard following his movement.

"You'll have a chest following you out of this palace. Your king is satisfied with your duty." He said while rising. The Wizard bowed with a smile before walking away. The king grabbed the book and had it disappear and sealed with a strong spell.

He stared down at the scrolls he had to sign, he used his free hand to roll his sleeve and started down on the writing, constantly dipping the brush in the paint.

"Is that all you can manage? You're too slow, useless child! You're royalty, the pride of your kingdom. You have to be superior. Do you hear me?!"

"Yes, mother."

"The next time you are this slow, I'll scourge you with a spell."

"Yes mother, I'll be faster next time."

The soft knock on the office door didn't bother him to look up. "Come in."

His second werewolf guard walked in bowing. "The troop is ready, my lord."

"Great. Have them in front of my throne." He said while looking at his stained hands. He sat up only realizing just how much he had done in a little time. If she could see how much he had fulfilled her dreams she might still have a fault to point out. He still had to achieve his goals despite the warnings of those senseless holders of the realms. The wise six. If he had the stone he could defeat them too. Because he would be so mighty.

He walked to his throne, hands folded behind him, when the troop saw him, they bowed and chorus. "Alpha." In unison.

He swiped his Hanfu robe so he wouldn't sit on it and grabbed his shan fanning himself with one flap. "You may raise."

The beast-like men rose with their gazes remaining glued to their feet. His finx a white-furred creature with three tails and long beautiful ears with the body of a cat and the face of a dog crawled to his feet and he rubbed his hand on the animal's fur petting it.

"Bring every being within my kingdom that dared speak bad of their Supreme king and savior. Without exception irrespective of their age. The earlier the better. My people need to be disciplined." He said with an emotionless tone and an icy stare.

"Yes, Alpha!" They barked as they shifted into their full wolf darting out of the palace.

The king snapped his fingers and his personal servant came running to him head bowed. Prepare the loudest voice echo, I'd like to speak with my rebellious subject and invite them to hear the sufferings caused by their disobedience."

"Yes my Lord." He bowed and left.

The side of the king's lips tore into a mischievous smile. He could already feel the strength from their agony. He rose up wanting to celebrate with a cup full of golden blood like wine. Thirsty.

If he couldn't find the stone he would gladly defeat the Orchardians by borrowing his subject's soul. It will be for their good and for the good of the kingdom.