Winged wolf

Once again the immense hall and giant walls were wrapped with a harmonious melody with a different instrument this time. The tunes that danced through the hall were melodic and tuneful, a dulcet harmony and composure slipped through the rhyme. The instrument screams coaxing and solemnly on its way. However, the song was dark, muddy and so transparent. It would cause anyone to hum to it even when their subconscious warns them about the evil behind the walls of such royal melody.

The King with his hands and delicate lips played the Dizi and made a rune of his own, a tune that best described his intentions. He played like an angel, his song was enchanting, none could tell if it was magic or simply talent.

The harmonious symphony traveled far through the kingdom, every ear held a grasp of it along with the hush of the wind and wondered if the sirens from the other realm had plans for them.

"Beautiful, my Lord, you've got your mother's incredible skills." An old witch complimented with a wide smile.

"That's enough Ganta. You interrupted me." He said while staring into her sharp but fishy eyes.

"Pardon me, my Lord. Brik A Brac." She moved her wand, which was not necessary and the king found it way too dramatic, if she was not the old tutor of his mother she would've been dead. She crossed the boundaries way too much and she barely regarded his statue, maybe because she had watched him grow, as animal hands and feet chained with heavy chains, built into the walls. She had heard him scream in agony when the burning won't stop. She had also made him come near to feel something other than anger.

"Now let's hear how that voice of yours has gotten better. Ha, come on, ha, don't be shy." She budged.

He clenched his fists under the sleeve of his Handfu. Senseless old woman.

The old witch didn't seem to have noticed how the flames on his right eye swelled angrily. Patience was a virtue the King didn't have, he got rid of everything he considered as a bug.

A knock from the door stopped him from pulverizing her. He took in a small breath. "Come in."

A vampire guard strolled in bowing his head as a sign of respect. "Speak." The king ordered.

"The werewolves have brought in your backbiters and they're being set up for the ritual. When should they begin?"

"Order my personal servant to set up the echo, as I have demanded." He simply said. The vampire retreated still bowed.

The king's eyes glowed dangerously as his tongue danced on his lower lip like a snake, his fangs were revealed in the process. The old witch watched her king with concern.

"You can leave Ganta, I have more important obligations to attend to. Besides you're my only tutor, I do not need any. I'm the most knowledgeable being in this realm." He smirked.

"Not at all, we have the six wise men, my Lord, they're the holder of all the realm." She said,

The King looked up at her emotionless but once again his flaming eye told the hidden story. He was pissed. "Get out old witch!" He half barked. And she pronounced a spell of escape from the king's wrath.

The King teleported himself to his chamber with the aid of his immense magical skills. He snapped his finger and his servant came running in. He waited for his Lord's order.

"Do I have to give you orders till you die? Old fool! Get to work!" He barked, the witch flinched, running to take off his robe.

"Get out of my sight before I do something I wouldn't regret."

He scurried away, the king slipped on his rings while watching himself on the water hell with magic in a frame making it a royal magical mirror.

He took in his handsomeness, his white snowy hair down to his waist, some locks braided to keep the hair in place. His brows were just as white as his hair, his eyes were a phenomenon in the kingdom, one green, one red. His irises were two different colors and two different great powers. He hadn't been out there to taste his power on nature, he rarely left his palace, except for war, and it was all about magic teleportation and not much. He slipped on his Royal golden necklace. His gaze dropped to his pale chest where the beast with wings was plastered on his skin, flames on its mouth. He recalled the etching from the birthmark when he was younger.

He withdrew from the mirror bared chest and took the walk to the sacrificial chamber.

There were more than a hundred creatures taken into captivity and they cried out when they saw him, some were shocked beyond revival, murmurs erupted in the room as the werewolves beat them to silence with a whip.

The King mounted the stairs into the circle. Snapping his fingers and the echo was made functional.

"Dear people of Solasovia, hear your mighty King speak." He started and his voice echoed through the whole kingdom.

"This is an example to all of you who will have the impetus and incentive to raise your miserable voices against me behind my back in the future. These citizens criticized my works and were ungrateful about their Lord's generosity. And I've been more than patient with you all pathetic beings from the sewer, I've given you all fame! Food! Wealth! Protection! All you would ever need to live, and this is how you thank me, with your corruptible hearts. Now I'll cause them great suffering before taking what belongs to me as payment for their debts. Listen and repent." He spoke coldly with an enraging voice.

He clapped his hand together causing the whole kingdom to tremble. He slowly took off from the ground as his body was engulfed by great flames, his both eyes burned with raging flames and his fangs grew longer, the creature on his birthmark started to move again, twirling around his body. Everyone looked up, struck by his terrifying appearance, he shifted to the beast on his skin before their very eyes. A giant black wolf with massive wings like a bat engulfed in red consuming flames hover above them roaring the people started screaming and crying out in fear, a single flap from the beast wings caused an invisible smoky substance to leave their bodies as the scream and aged in no time the substance sank into the beast and it burned even mightily.

Great agonizing screams filled the kingdom and every being cringed in their various homes afraid of this Anonymous king who could do anything to them at will. They had shelter and riches but they lacked joy and peace, so many deaths had caused the sky to grow dark and some animals had gone into instinct, some pets that were the symbol of peace were long taken by the fairies.

The King's cruelty had no explanation, the king himself had no explanation one horrible morning they heard of the death of the alpha and the Luna, then their child who had taken over, slowly it all grew worse. Who could stop him now?