The holders of the realms

Deep where the realms Unite, somewhere in the silence in the orbit. The six elders sat on their various thrones with symbols of their importance on the throne.

On the throne of SO, there is a symbol of the sun, signifying summer. On the throne of HO is a symbol of winter, on the throne BO is the symbol of autumn, on the throne of KO is the symbol of spring, on the throne of VO is the symbol of water, and on the Throne of XO is the symbol of fire.

And those were the six elders who were in charge of the realms with specific powers. The elders were beings from different fragments of realms and their only weakness was if all the creatures in the realm happened to stop producing positive energy. Like in the realm MT it was slowly affecting the Enchanta realm where the fairies and all the cute creatures existed.

The wise men feared the hunger of King Oxias Elias Sideris, he had no idea of his full powers, they were destructive. Just as the elders had warned Floyd Elias Sideris and his mate of their child's well-being and his mate had refused to listen, the situation was getting out of control.

"Here, nature is being threatened." Ko pointed out on the magical map.

"And not only your element is being threatened, but we all are also." SO the eldest of all pointed out.

"That King needs a proper spanking," Xo said with a grimaced face as he watched the map of Solasovia turn darker.

"The Orchardians are fast approaching, we must do something," Vo said in his dulcet voice as waves.

Just before the round-up of their conversation a loud cry of different voices mourning shook their thrones and they listened out.

"Oh no." They all chorused.

"The fairies would complain again," Bo announced with a low huff.

"Well, the King decided to disobey us and do worse. What would be his punishment now?" So asked. Trying to seek help from his brothers.

"Condemn him to 5000 years chained to mars," Xo suggested.

"That would be useless. I'm thinking of something short, displeasing, and tiring, he is quite a brat." Ho suggested on his turn.

"Sounds fair enough," So agreed.

"Then why don't we throw him in the black hole with the mother monsters?" Bo suggested.

"That would be even worse than his current state, he would feed on the monsters and destroy the universe." So shook his head.

"Then we don't have any other solution than to spank discipline into the brat," Xo repeated.

"He is the wisest being in his realm, don't you think spanking makes no sense." So responded in a bored tone.

"Then he doesn't use his wisdom for good, he is smart at evil," Vo added.

"We know. That's why he needs a lesson that would give him the necessary experience of ruling, all the knowledge he has, he had acquired from very strong books of magic, he never comes out of that palace. He doesn't know how it feels to be dependent on your limbs." So explained.

"A spoiled king indeed," Bo pointed out.

"We warned his mother against her teaching to her young hybrid son, a hybrid of a vampire, werewolf, and witch, is something that hadn't happened in millions of light-years. And the last time it happened it was disastrous. She wouldn't listen and alpha Floyd couldn't do much other than lead his pack and leave his child in the hands of his witch of a mate. Alpha Floyd being a hybrid of only the two creatures had much more responsibility." So explained.

"Do you think reviving his parents back to life would help?" Ho asked.

Xo laughed. "Not at all, he'll be more upset that the witch is back and he would retaliate in the most unbelievable way possible like sipping all the energy of the realms."

"Oh. He is indestructible and any little mistake from us would lead to the end of this universe." So further added.

"We need a light punishment that would change him for good," Vo imposed.

So snapped his fingers with an ear-to-ear grin. "I know!" He exclaimed, before hitting his magical rod on the floor and an image popped up. A huge planet colored with white, green, and blue. "There! I've been to this planet once and the beings there are lovely, well not all lovely, they trample on each other for fame and riches. They do the unthinkable and have different rulers called presidents. They grow slowly and have no magical powers, except the ones who managed to obtain a code to access the other realm. They can be quite annoying. And they celebrate way too much." So explained.

"Human beings, I've heard of them and sometimes I visit their waters, they're reckless though," Vo said softly.

"What if he decides to feed on their soul? And become stronger?" Ko asked.

"We'll use the silver stone from the magical river of tears to make bracelets that would stop him from using his powers, he would be totally harmless," Vo added.

The wise man nodded. Bo got worried for the king, and about his approval of the punishment so he sat up spacing next to the picture of the planet.

"It wouldn't be easy, the king is young but stubborn and he has powers. He won't let us rule him, neither would he let humans." He said.

"I'll find him a comfortable place to stay, he would live with some tutors to guard him in human life and educate him on human behavior." So said.

"Then the humans must not know he is not human." Ko augmented with his green eyes showing worries.

"He hates all that is good and weak, he would hate his new life that he would repent and it would be over, he would be free to come back again," Ho said.

"If he fights back then we'll force him there and force him to submit to the law that's it! We warned him more than once, now, didn't we?" Xo demanded while holding his staff firmly, his elementary stone lit up with flames, and so did his eyes.

"He can't escape the law, is so true, but we must have mercy on his majesty because we all know it is not his fault." Vo intervened, his ocean blue eyes watching his brothers' expression.

"Is so true, a child born and brought up with so much hatred and less appreciation of what he was, he had no other choice than submission," Ho spoke with sympathy but his icy gray eyes told a different story.

"We should check on him often to know how better he had gotten or he might grow worse." Bo created an invisible diagram like a bar chart and his amber eyes scan the figures.

"If he can get to the peak of his good conduct then we'll grant him freedom, back to his humble abode." So clarified while rolling his yellow eyes.

"Then who would rule the Solasovians and prevent the Orchardians from entering the kingdom?" Ho asked with a doubtful look.

"We have no choice but to do so, and await his return, while the people must not know he had left." So imposed.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's send a letter and get to work." Xo shot to his feet with a sinister grin.

So started the letter with his staff.

King Oxias Elias Sideris

We are out of ink for more warning letters, we're out of words for more polite writing, we're out of strength for more overlooking.

The time has come you'll have to face your trial. We'll take a stroll to your palace by tomorrow for your trail.

Judgment has come! You broke the law and need to be reminded of the ancient law enforcement.

Signed. So, Bo, Ho, Ko, Vo, Xo.

"Find King Oxias and only then shall you rest!" Xo blew flames on the letter and sent it away.