Wild awake (end of example)

When the leaden and murky time brought in view thick and foggy clouds, spreading like a vast spray of smoke through the visible royal blue sky behind the clouds, a light shed of pinkish-purple poured along the night sky. The blazing of the orange orb had long ceased, it was a different time, the time all low creatures work for survival, the time the Orchardians could gain more space in their travel, anything could happen, even the Orc and the giant seem to love the shift, it was dinner time.

And the imps dismissed to fetch nightmares, while the fairies loathe the rule of the king. He only adored evil and condemned good. At that same moment of the day, the King stood high on the highest tower of his kingdom sleepless and restless, he watched the premises he had claimed as his the hard way, his eyes traveled far and wide and his hearings covered the realm the Orchardians still had him worried, but he refused to back down, he was more than determined to exterminate the unbearable and repulsive creature called sons of darkness, he was the darkest and no one would cause him to fail, not even death.

He sat Indian-style suspended in the middle of the air, a ball of flames around him. He heard the little conversation and caught some words he wasn't supposed to be listening to in the first place.

"Our king is so mighty, even we fear him if only he could grant us a different feeling than fear."

"All we asked for is the revival of alpha Floyd, who could've thought the son of such a leader would turn out to be a devastating flame?"

"Son? How are you so sure, it might be a daughter? We don't know anything about the one we call king."

"Shush! Don't you criticize him, he is our savior, he knows what's better."

He balled his fist clenching his jaw. There were still more out there waiting to be fed to him. He thought hungrily.

He stared at the horizon of unending city lamps. "Wrong? Why should I be?" He muttered to himself?

"Son, rule your pack as you fit, I won't ask you to be a second me, everyone deserves their personality and I see a great Alpha in you." Alpha Floyd's voice echoed in his head.

His father had asked him to rule as he fitted, no comparison, this was his work, the labor he had succeeded to terminate and was still in progress. Very soon, he would put an end to their miserable lives, after all the kingdom might need something less of a weak being.

He brought his gaze down at the book the old wizard had given to him. A diagram illustrating the appearance of the stone and its power was first to come into view.

The stone was formed from Thefesus an ancient realm that once existed billions of light-years before. The realm was uninhabitable but beings from different realms could enter and depart with no hindrance, the realm was not only the unlivable solace and desert of life, it was the heart of magic, but white and black, evil and good. The awe-inspiring and majestic realm bore stones like the Mongora stones that gave life and caused death. The evil witch rose up to conquer other territories all in the name of magic and claiming superiority.

The indecency of their heart desires lead to a great, ravaging war that causes the life of many, the leaders brought their complaint to the six and the realm was destroyed, the stones were powerless now their source of power was extinguished, except one, which was the seed to a new Thefesus, one that had managed to escape the course on the realms.

Location unknown, hint, a place where magic is charming and where absurdity prevails like an everlasting torrent of life, a place where innocence and cruelty walk in hands and the grace of weakness is adorned.

The king flipped the last page and hissed in annoyances. Now he would have to look for the famous city of stupidity and pride.

He looked up at the far end where the sun was slowly rising, a lost thought found a way into his mind and he wondered how sleeping might be. As for him, he has never slept once, it was something he didn't need, he had to be the watchman, he has always been the watchman, and just maybe because nobody had taught him how.

He clenched his fist. "Quit being pathetic." He murmured to himself in a cold voice.

He felt like he should erase night from this realm, that would be his second goal after he successfully conquered the realm, because the night was useless, it made the people drowsy and lazy, even their king didn't need it. Why should they?

He quenched his flames and unfold his feet as he descended like a heavenly dove, the tip of his feet hitting the ground first. The sky was now a shed of dark purple and the cold dusty smell of murk filled the air, the city below was covered by fog it danced slowly into houses and above the roof falling in a tiny droplet.

The King watched the weather with great fury, it was such a shame the realm was far from perfect. Something needed to be done, maybe he would have to wipe the people in the realm too so he could create one in his liking. And that's only when he would obtain the stone of Mongora, the famous stone that held the souls of the creatures who had died in the war of destruction. The stone could give life and destroy life.

He turned around with a plotting mind, he needed to start searching, he needed to set up a room of teleportation where he would lead his own operation and besides he needed to speak to the dragon he locked in a bottle in his secret lap.

Some many mighty and obese creatures had attacked the kingdom and he had locked them in a magical bottle that was unbreakable, it was like a prison to them and he kept them as a collection. He had plans for them too, he would merge them with the stone and obtain more power, the reason why he couldn't feed on them was simply because they had no soul.

The sound of a whistle-like noise caught his ears and he paused, the sound kept approaching and he could already feel the hit, the object almost whizzed past his ears but his hand was fast enough to snatch it right in the air.

He glared at the magical scroll, sealed by the holders of the realm.

He rolled his eyes. He desired to deal with them as well, the old fools seeing themselves superior to him. They have nothing to lose while waiting.

Nevertheless, he glanced at the letter his brows pulled together slightly, and he bared his fang in anger. Trial?

What did they have with him, the stupid servant had let the echo too loud. Now those fools would be taking a trip to his abode. He balled his fist and the letter vanished.

It was a huge threat, those senseless elders were putting him on edge. Teleported to his room. Where his servant was already waiting for him head bow.

"My Lord." He greeted.

"Prepare a royal bath for me, and order my betrothed to come along. Then prepare to receive visitors of the high ranks, decorate the dining hall and prepare rooms, don't serve anything for vampires, make your choices on magics, not too strong, they're old carcasses by the way." He waved his hand in dismissal.

The servant scurried to arrange his bath with petals of fragrance filled flowers, white and purples were the petals that laid afloat on the steaming water, the room was filled with a captivating smell from the flowers and the temperature was mid 90°C as the king preferred, he had ordered his servants to death for a cold bath or the ones that didn't meet his expectations.

The King stepped into his bathing chamber and his servant helped him take off his robe before he stepped in the water. He refused to keep his head into the tempting heated water, he never does.

The servant moved to his side with a soft sponge waiting for an order.

"Where is my betrothed?" He demanded in a tone that gave away his irritation.

The servant bowed. "She is on her way, my lord, she must look presentable."

He rolled his eyes plotting yet another plan, for his future wife, feeding on her soul was at the top of his list.

The lady elf stepped in with her maids behind her preventing her long robe from trailing. "My Lord." She kneeled and bowed.

He looked at the maids behind her with a frown, their heads were bowed though, as a form of their respect.

He ordered, "Dismiss maidens." Though his tone was cold, the ladies retreated.

The lady elf was left all by herself, with her long silvery hair resting on her breast.

"I'll need you to entertain our visitors and you dare not trip worthless elf, you don't want your king to be displeased, now, do you?"

She bowed, "no my lord."

His lips tore in a cold smirk. "Great. Prepare the best of my robe and the jewelry that fit it, I'll give you the grace to dress me today, you should be thankful, you are worthless half of the time." He said.

"I am, my Lord." She bowed again.

"Supervise the preparation, we're having the old fools over, if anything goes wrong, I'll kill you instantly and consume your soul on the spot."

She gripped the sleeve of her gown nervously. "Yes, my lord."

"Dismiss!" He snapped his fingers and she was gone as she came with her long white robe trailing behind her.

She was beautiful as the moon goddess, she was the symbol of peace in a discord, she glowed like the moon among the beauty of the star and stood out, such beauty had never stimulated his heart, not even once and he wondered if he had any, a time would come when he would have to mate, he hated her presence, he hated every presence, he couldn't imagine there story going far than him consuming her soul, she was pretty and innocent so was her soul. He longed for it, like a deer panteth for a stream.