What Can I Do?

I don't know what's going on with me, because I can feel that my heart is like a flowery. It feels like getting the most beautiful gift from the person we love, but what happens is that I get the gift from the person I like. You could say that's what I meant.

Kinda confused huh? I'm also confused to explain what I feel right now because basically, I am very happy when I can meet her in person.

Nicholas was very happy when he got the moment with the girl he like, and today his heart was like a bloom.

Today Nicholas went home earlier than usual because the flowers that he sold were all sold out and ordered for today. So he decided to go home because he had an appointment with his mother to have dinner with her.

After tidying up everything that looked messy, He grabbed his backpack and walked slowly towards the exit. While walking towards the exit, He decided to open his cellphone, jotting down the number that was now in his hand.

"Okay, I'll just name her this..."

[My Emily]


His heart feels like it wants to explode instantly when he can save the number of the girl he likes, Even though it's his first time meeting her, his feelings can't be lied to. Nicholas attracted to this girl.

Before leaving the door of this flower shop, his hand seemed to automatically pull the door on his left, then closed it and slowly locked it.

Because this year his habit is the same, always doing this over and over again. So even without looking, he can do it.

"Why does Wadsworth look so different tonight than it used to be, it's a pretty nice place here, but today looks so incredibly uncomfortable. Maybe I just don't feel like it." Nicholas muttered to himself and walked slowly towards the side of the road, As usual, he walked this road to get to his house. Although the distance can be said to be far, usually he uses public transportation to go home.

Nicholas's house is on Acme road, so actually, he just needs to go straight and he can go back to his house. But it's annoying, usually, Richard has contacted him when Nicholas already has free time like this.

When he looks at his phone, he check it several times, he doesn't see Richard is active on WhatsApp. Something must have happened to him, because since from the forest earlier, Richard has been acting so strangely. Unlike usual.

Especially now that he's not texting Nicholas, it's a sign that something's going on but he doesn't want to tell Nicholas.

Nicholas decided to open his phone again, and searched Richard's name on WhatsApp.

[Hey, are you okay? From earlier it felt like you were acting strange after we came back from the forest.]



After he sent him a message, he didn't see his best friend as active as usual, because now the notification only ticks one. Richard stuck like this because he's usually very quick to respond if he gets a message from Nicholas.

Well, maybe he wasn't in the mood to be bothered so I decided not to bother him first. Nicholas mumbles and puts his phone back in his pants pocket, then he walked straight to the house.

It's very uncomfortable if the friend he used to be close with suddenly changes all of a sudden.

[Drttt Drttt]

He paused for a moment to reach back into the cellphone in his pants pocket because he felt a message come in. Who knew it was from Richard.

[Where are you?]

[I will pick you up.]

[You're still at the flower shop right?]

[Don't get out of there first,]

[If you can hide and turn off your shop lights...]

[Hey!!! Are you still there?]


All messages sent from Richard just arrived on his cell phone now, After five minutes had passed. Nicholas read the messages sent by him quite a lot, by sending them briefly in each chat.

As if he was in a hurry.

Nicholas immediately froze across the street, when he read the message from Richard. Because if Richard said that, it felt like what he said was also true. Because since Nicholas left the shop, he also felt something strange.

Damn, do I have to go back to my shop again? But what can I do!

Nicholas didn't reply to Richard's message, he just read it and closed his phone again. Then he walked rather quickly heading back to the direction where the flower shop was.

Nicholas emphasized his footsteps, as I felt that the footsteps that he could now hear were not just from him. But there were other footsteps that he could hear too.

He stopped for a moment to make sure he didn't hear wrong, then just as he stopped, He suddenly heard the sound of footsteps that stopped late after he stopped.

Fuck!, Is someone following me.

I swear in my heart While trying to glance around me. But Nicholas couldn't find anyone around him. Then slowly he decided to look behind him, because only behind him that he had not had time to see.

Just as he was about to glance behind him, he could see a shadow behind him, because luckily there was a street lamp shining, so he could see the shadow without looking back.

He walked slowly while still glancing at the shadow behind him, Nicholas thought he was a tall male figure, then what made him confused was why in the shadow he saw that the ears of the shadow were different.

What he saw was that the shadow figure's ears were more pointed than him. And it makes him curious to want to look at his behind. Because it's impossible if human, has pointy ears.

And he also just realized that the road he is currently taking is very quiet, no people are walking around this area. And it feels like it's just Nicholas and the shadow figure alone...

Nicholas decided to try looking back, because he is one of those people who are curious, otherwise he knows the truth himself then he will always be curious.

Nicholas slowly looked behind him, the dim streetlights made him have to squint to see the area around him.

When he now really look behind him, his body also looks in the same direction, suddenly his tongue is so numb, and can't speak when he sees that the figure behind him is a person that he has met before. Nicholas doesn't know how to call it, Person or A thing? or Creature? Gosh...

Precisely that night, when he was in the forest. Those shining red eyes made him limp and couldn't move at all. Nicholas can see him very clearly now, he stands with a slight bow, Nicholas can't see clearly what his face looks like because the glare of the streetlamp prevents him from being able to see clearly at the figure in front of him. His ears are pointy, and Nicholas thinks his body is hairy too, his hands have such sharp claws because Nicholas can feel them when Nicholas sees them.

Nicholas was about to put his feet up to run it was very heavy because he couldn't do that.

He tried to scream for help, but the sound from his lips couldn't come out.

And now he fell limp on the side of the road. He gave up and couldn't do anything as the figure was now approaching him.
