What Happened?

All my bones felt weak for a moment when he was now in front of me. He was nearly two meters tall, with pointed ears, fiery-red eyes as if stabbing sharply at me.

sharp claws in his fingers seemed impatient to be able to tear me into small pieces. He was getting closer to me, and I couldn't do anything. It feels like my life has been destined in his hands, and without being remembered by anyone.

The black Jeep was speeding down the side of the road, with a worried look, the man's eyes were looking left and right from every street corner. Very strange. Unlike usual, that night the atmosphere on the usually busy streets became very quiet as if they had been hit by Lockdown and locked themselves in their respective homes.

Because the streets were so quiet, it made him speed without thinking. His hands were shaking, his right hand holding the steering wheel, then his left index finger, he put it in his mouth, biting a small nail on his index finger. He's always like that when he's panicking.

"Come on where are you!" He hissed as he looked around, his eyes not blinking at all, as he stalked every street he walked.

Even though he had already circled the complex twice, when he returned to the front of the flower shop where his friend worked, Richard found no sign of his friend's being there at all.

And what makes him confused is when messages from him are only read but not answered by him. That's what made him think until now.

Especially after he read articles on the internet for a whole day, making him so panicked with thousands of questions popping up in his head right now.

"It's my fault, why was I being cold to him, when he should have needed my help, what's wrong with me? I shouldn't have done that to him, because I know If he feels that way, he must be very confused right now and needs a friend. !" Richard muttered regretting what he had done, for being cold to his only friend.

"Come on its time in the hours I saw in the article," He hissed back while looking worriedly left and right, he remembered about the article he was reading, if a few days before the full moon, the Alpha would come to the person who he bit before, ascertaining whether the person had managed to become his pack or not.

Because if successful, then the Alpha will allow the person he bit before, to be able to feel the first full moon. But for people who fail to adapt to the bite given by him, then he will be killed in that instant.

And that was what was running through Richard's head now. Indeed, everything is still gray, no clarity confirms if his friend has been bitten by the creature. But at least on guard is the main thing that is needed for now.

[Honk Sound]

Richard pressed his car horn several times, with a sign normally only known to Nicholas. But since then there has been no sign of his friend's whereabouts.

When he looked left and right on the road, his eyes immediately stopped looking ahead when he saw the figure of a man lying on the street.

"Gosh, don't say that, Nicholas"

Richard quickly gasped the car and headed in the direction where he saw the figure of the man slumped on the side of the road.

He braked quickly, then opened the car door, He jumped out so fast, then approached the man who he thought was Nicholas.

His eyes went wide, as he approached and saw that the man who had fallen on the side of the road was indeed Nicholas. Richard quickly headed straight for his friend.

"Hey, Nico. Wake up! Hey, what's happened?" Richard frantically tried to wake the unconscious Nicholas, he lifted his head and placed him on his lap, then patted his cheek several times to wake him up.

"Wake up Nicholas!!!" That trembling and worried voice emerged from his lips, he who felt so scared, when he saw his friend unconscious on the side of the road.

By force, Richard immediately tried to lift his friend's body and carried him to his car. Because it is impossible if he stays in the same place, without asking for help from someone who understands the situation.

He carried him with great difficulty, for it could be said that Nicholas was bigger than Richard's. But he desperately tried to carry his friend, so he could get into the car.

After much effort and profuse sweat pouring down his forehead, Richard immediately opened the car door and entered Nicolas who was unconscious with a body that was so limp. His body was very cold and his breathing was also very slow.


Richard closed the door so hard, then he quickly ran to the left side of the car, then he got in and slammed the door shut. After that, he immediately stepped on the gas and left the place.

A look of panic and worry etched very clearly on his face,

"Ah, the direction of the nearest hospital must be reversed," he said while hitting the handlebars of his car, then he quickly swerved to turn on a quiet street.

As he looked in the rearview mirror, to make sure the road was quiet, his eyes were disturbed when he saw a man standing under a street lamp post.

But when he tried to turn his head and look directly in that direction, he did not find the figure of the man.

"Damn it! Who else was that!" Richard cursed, then sped away quickly from the place.

As he passed the street lamp where he caught a glimpse of the man's figure, Richard narrowed his eyes to make sure he had not misunderstood in the reflection of his car window.

But when he did, the man figure was not there.

"Maybe I just saw it wrong!"

He mumbled, and immediately re-gassed the car.

"Okay, Nicholas hangs on, I'll take you to the nearest hospital," Richard said frantically as he drove his car.

He quickly rushed to the hospital, only five minutes was needed before he finally arrived at the door of the nearest emergency room.

When Richard stopped his car, he immediately got out of his car and called the nurse who was in the front area.

"Please help me!" Richard shouted as he opened the door, then showed that there was a man in his car who was so pale.