Chapter 35

#Chapter 35 I never let go of my prey and you…

Rex called the patrol members to the training ground the next day with a solemn air.

"Good to see most of you up and running again. Good hustle last night," Rex said. "Just in case the rogues manage to slip through some time in the future, I'm having the patrol make a trip to the nearby river to start building an emergency water supply."

Blade nodded, "The injured will stay behind."

Mile huffed, "No way am I getting left behind!"

Blade eyed him carefully before shaking his head. If the man hadn't learned about underestimating the rogues yet then there was only one way to teach him.

"Fine. We leave in an hour."

The patrol got ready and led the small group out of the village in their usual formation with the Milky River Pack trailing behind them or slotting in where they felt made sense.

It was a bit awkward, but they were less vocal about their complaints. The doctor was at the center of the formation as they got to the river.