Chapter 36

#Chapter 36 Give us the order to follow you

“The village is under attack!” Arthur cried, running back the way they came.

He heard the others following him, but they couldn’t keep up with him and their footsteps soon grew too distant to hear. Arthur pushed himself to run faster, fear building in his heart.

Daphne wasn’t responding to him.

What had happened to her?

He couldn’t hear or feel her. That shouldn’t have been possible unless she was dead.

He turned from that thought and ran faster. He reached the edge of the village and the scent of blood filled his nose. His stomach turned and he stumbled a bit at the sight of the bodies strewn across the main path into the village. He didn’t know how many were dead, but he was glad to see Rex and a few other familiar faces stumbling and carrying bodies off the street.

“Arthur!” Rex called, his voice tense and grateful.