Chapter 108

#Chapter107 Away From It All

Arthur opened his arms trying to sweep her into his arms, but she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him and sobbing into his shoulder. Fear filled him and anxiety. He didn’t know what to make of her sudden apology or what he should say in response.

“I’m so sorry, Arthur! I should have never gone! I shouldn’t have left you. I should have made Mamie and the others leave me behind, at least they would have been alive.”

Arthur’s eye burned with an unfamiliar sensation. He didn’t remember the last time he’d cried or if he’d cried at all, but the tightness in his chest felt like it was going to burst. It sounded like she was regaining her memories, but had she regained all of them?

She hiccupped, “The baby… It wasn’t your fault. I…”

Arthur tightened his grip on her with a relieved sigh, burying his nose in her neck.

“Daphne,” he whispered. “You remember me?”

She nodded, “I’m so sorry, Arthur.”