Chapter 109

#Chapter 108 Changed and Not

Arthur chuckled at her thought. Did she think he wanted to talk about it now? He was running on adrenaline and relief. As soon as he got somewhere he knew was safe for them both, he’d probably collapse, curled around Daphne.

“I haven’t changed much, Daphne.”

“That’s not true,” Daphne said, “You have more scars.”

Arthur shrugged, “They’ll be gone in a few days.”

“Not on your skin,” Daphne said, sliding a hand over his chest as she looked up at him, “In here.”

His heart sped up as their gazes met. He wanted to protest, but he couldn’t find the words. She was right. So much had happened. He’d been so used to not thinking about it before Daphne, then worrying about it with her, that losing her had left him floundering.

She stepped back, taking his hands and leading him towards the house.

“Come on. Let’s take a bath. I think you’ll enjoy some of the vampire amenities.”

Arthur chuckled, following her, “I’ll enjoy anything so long as you’re with me.”