New parental figure

note: this story takes place in a fantasy world that follows a little bit of a different setting from the normal world we live in!

this fantasy world is called 'Shi-World'

in this world all sorts of creatures including humans live together, not everyone uses magic,

this world has a bunch of similarities with the normal world for example: the magic land calendar,

The Magic land calendar is the same as the Normal word just with different names:

there's 7 days of the week

1- Grindyday (beginning of the week)

2 - Shizday

3- Zimday

4 -Fangday

5 -Neyday

6-Skyday (weekend)

7-Greenday (weekend)

there's 12 months in the year :

(first month) Januarrek,











Decemberpuff (last month of the year)

...Story Begins.....

Third person pov:

Date: 18 Marchlight year 2002:

it was a Grindyday night, people were passing by the funeral in the house near the town's Long bridge in the late evening, as everyone was mourning a sudden loss nobody expected,

on the 16 Marchlight which was a Skyday the first day of the weekend, approximately two days ago,

the town of Sirènesia in the seaside woke up on the news that two of its kindest citizens were brutally murdered in the middle of their home, the deceased couple has just welcome two months ago a little baby girl to life,

the baby girl was the only survivor of the attack as she was miraculously saved by her family's friend who was passing by that day, a mysterious traveling woman who often came to town to visit the couple,

a woman originally from the desert side named Sheeba Khan,

and today, two days after the horrible murder now being the 18th of Marchlight , this woman who was their dearest friend, decided to hold the couple's funeral in their house, as the two married deceased had no other family known alive to hold them a funeral,

dressed in short black dress and shoes with a boysenberry colored shawl around her shoulders, stood an average height Sheeba with a guilty and sorrowful look upon her face, her scars were visible and countless on her Golden bronze skin from, these scars were the results of her risky job she took pride in until this very moment where she vowed silently within her tht she's turning a new leaf,

Sheeba's dark hair was cut short right below her chin with her bang rolled up behind her ears, her thick dark eyebrows frowning slightly as her hooded eyes greeted everyone who came to pay respects to her loss,

after a long day of paying respects, the town's folks finally left her to peace, she was barley holding back her tears, she closed the front door behind her and walked to her now Deceased friend's bedroom, where she left their baby girl supposedly asleep,

Sheeba Khan removed her shawl she had over her shoulder, she never thought a day like this would come, that piece of clothing made especially for Sheeba herself, she then placed the shawl on the bed next to an baby girl named Ashrah whose hair and eyes matched the shawl color perfectly, that shawl was a gift made by her talented best friend Adila the girl who saved Sheeba from death few years ago when she took shelter in the town of Sirènesia,

Adila was also originally from the desert side but she moved when she was a little girl to the seaside, she then met her husband Sean later on in life in this Sirènesia town by the harbour and fell in love, it was also around that time where she crossed paths with Sheeba who came escaping from the desert side to hide in this coastal town in the sea side, Adila sheltered Sheeba and treated her wounds until she was healthy and able again,

it was a favor Sheeba never forgot,

Ashrah was Adila's newly born baby girl, she barley had few months of life in her mother's loving arms before death swept away Her mother and father, As two days ago a group of assassins from a certain Place from the desert side took the lives of Adila and her husband, they even injured the baby but Sheeba thankfully made it in time to save the baby girl from her parents fate,

with Adila's death now, Sheeba found herself paying back her friend's favor by choosing to raise Ashrah as her own, the baby girl was now barley healing from her injury that was promising to leave a long permanent scar on the infant's back and mind,

in this coastal town of Sirènesia, Sheeba decided to begin a new life with just her and baby Ashrah,

she admired the beauty of this little girl as she woke up, Ashrah had her mother's heart shaped smile and boysenberry colored eyes and hair, she took her small little nose and her freckles and fair skin from her father Sean,

with her trembling hands Sheeba placed the little baby girl carefully on the shawl and wrapped her up with it, she was being careful not to mess with the bandages on the little girl's injured back,

Sheeba then leaned her bow-shaped lips to kiss the baby girl's head gently once,

for seconds after the infant just stared with her roundish eyes, she was just silently watching the woman's scarred face with a big hearty smile, Ashrah lifted her baby small hand and touched the scar that was over Sheeba's lips,

"I don't know how you can smile so angelically little one, but I promise that as long as you are under my care Ashrah! I will always make sure that you'll always smile the same way, I will be your light in this dark world." Sheeba said gently in her hoarse tired voice,

everyone in town knew Adila and her husband on a good level, as she and her husband Sean were shopkeepers in the town of Sirènesia, their shop was a magic armory shop by the harbour and people enjoyed their services, their house was nearby the town's long bridge, the only house in that specific area,

most other house were built closer to the harbour on the opposite side of the bridge,

at first when Ashrah's parents Died, Sheeba asked if anyone wanted to adopt The orphaned baby girl but despite how much loved her parents, were no one was capable of adopting her,

sometimes locals would joke calling this town "the town with no orphans" since Ashrah was now the first ever Orphaned child to be in Sirènesia town in years, there wasn't even an orphanage built anywhere in the town as there was only rare occasion when kids were orphaned, and if there was cases like that people would often quickly adopt the child or send the child to live with their relatives if found, unfortunately for Ashrah she wasn't so lucky with the townspeople,

the town was just hit by a wave of financial crisis that caused living to be hardly made there due the the unsettling weather and storms that caused ships to not sail and made it even risky to fish, sea ​​trading was the most common way and efficient one to make money in this town, and fishing was the second one, there was other means but they relied heavily on magic and not all Sirènesia's citizens were wizards, there were only handful of magic users and most of the town people were normal humans with little to no magic abilities,

the town was just a small part of the massive Mearanda Island, in fact the Town of Sirènesia itself was practically an Island surrounded with water from three sides, south, west and east,

with only one long bridge built on the north side, that ties the town of Sirènesia with the remaining parts of the island, near that bridge is where Ashrah's parents lived,

there was other creatures besides the human townspeople tht lived peaceful in town, there was some mermen creature as well living among them like mermaids and such but because Ashrah is a human baby no of those mermen volunteered to raise her,

in general Most townspeople already had big families as well and lots of children, even the few human and non human couples who didn't have any children to raise apologized saying that they are unable to take Ashrah in Thier homes for various reasons,

There was also the factor of fear, because of how Adila and her husband Sean that were known for Their great battleship skill were brutally murdered by a group of outsiders that were never caught, assassins that no one knows about them anything except for Sheeba who recognize the culprits as Assassins from the far away Saharms Kingdom in the desert side,

everyone was terrified that another attack might happen, what if they come back to finish the job they couldn't complete thanks to Sheeba,

This left Sheeba Khan to be the only one capable and willing to take care of Ashrah.

and so she did,

Sheeba took over the shop and the house that was left by the deceased couple,

Everyone respected Sheeba's decision and they started to call her Madame Sheeba,

life from that point continued for the town, for Madame Sheeba and of course Baby Ashrah.

time skip: exactly one year after the same date:

it's now been a year since Sheeba officially became a part of Sirènesia's citizens despite not liking the townspeople a lot, her sole mission was to raise Ashrah

since it was a long Shizday she was done working in the magic armory shop by the harbour, two days ago was the first anniversary of her friend's death,

the townspeople already forgot about it and were moving on with Thier lives and so was Sheeba, she was doing her best to cope and take care of the now one year old Ashrah,

a year was long enough for Sheeba to let her hair grow Magically taller past her lower back,

now was night-time and night-time meant closing the shop for Sheeba, so she picked up Ashrah who was playing with her chewable sword toy and her bag closing the shop behind her, Sheeba finally locked the shop's door and started walking away, Ashrah began thrashing around wanting to be put on the ground by Sheeba,

the one year old baby was eager to walk on her own, she was already walking two months ago and every since she did, baby Ashrah stopped liking to be carried or picked up, she just wants to walk on her own,

" Ayaaaaaa can't even talk yet and you wanna tell me what to do? *sighting* ugh fine fine! I'll put you on the ground Ashrah but hold my hand don't let me go!" Sheeba said putting the little girl in the lemonade pink dress,

Ashrah excited immediately began running fast in the street in the direction of the trash square, this caused Sheeba to panic running after the child to make sure she's okay,

"wait!! omg I knew I shouldn't trust a baby!!" Sheeba called as she as she finally got a hold of Ashrah,

"How the hell can you run like this?! you're like 14 months or something?! stick to your age, walk and trip like other little kids do." Sheeba said whining as she picked up a sheepishly smiling Ashrah in her arms again, the town's trash square has been letting out some horrendous smell lately due to not being emptied in a while,

the town's trash square was a like the town's public dumpster, anyone can enter and dispose of Their trash over there and then by the end of the week workers would take care of that trash on their own regards,

"ugh what they hell did they throw this time?!

I hope not it's a body or something?!" Sheeba said complaining from the smell, she then used a smell blocking spell to stop herself from smelling anything including the horrible stench of trash,

"haha lucky you can use magic to stop this horrible smell madame Sheeba." an old lady passing by said,

"I know right...ugh I wish I can use magic on the trash inside to stop it from smelling like this!" Sheeba replied to the elderly townswoman,

Sheeba was so ready to go back on her way when the sound of a baby crying from within the trash's square caught her attention,

"oh my? did you hear that Madame Sheeba?" the townswoman asked as he's heard the baby's cries,

" I think a child might be in there! I'll go check, can you please keep Ashrah with you Madam Seabee?!" Sheeba said in a serious tone,

the elderly woman took Ashrah into her arms as Sheeba jumped inside the trash square to see where the noise was coming from,

she walked for few seconds before she saw a sight that nearly split her heart into two,

a little boy, with deep ebony skin and white hair with fire colored tips,

the baby looked at least six months old in age, bundled up in a dirty piece of clothing and abandon among the garbage within the square,

the baby boy was crying in pain as he was visibly dehydrated and soiled,

"Curses on whomever did this to a child!! a baby nonetheless?! how cruel can people get?!" Sheeba grunted, her eyes were in disbelief as she knelt down to pick up the dirty abandoned baby boy, she quickly carried him outside the Trash square,

people already began gathering at the trash square entrance wondering what's going on as Sheeba finally came out of the trash square,

the townspeople were gasping at the sight and condition of the baby boy Sheeba just rescued,

instead of going home, Sheeba found herself taking the baby boy to the hospital for immediate care and treatment while she left Ashrah to be babysitted for the night by the old lady from earlier,

....time skip....few days later.....

Final the baby boy regained bit of his health as he opened his blaze colored eyes, he looked at the woman that saved him and Ashrah in her arms, Sheeba has been coming to the hospital with Ashrah every day for the past few days to check on the baby boy's health,

as they were leaving they were stopped by the town's hunk Doctor Maclop Feedmen,

Maclop was relatively tall, Fairly built with blond hair its length reaching his shoulders, deep blue eyes and a pearly white smile,

"good day madame Sheeba *wink* oh hi there Ashrah! do you want some candy?" the doctor said greeting them and handing over a lollipop to Ashrah who instantly shoved it away frowning,

"Ashrah doesn't like sweets too much, especially not from you." Sheeba bluntly said to Maclop explaining Ashrah's behavior,

the doctor chucked awkwardly for a bit "haha Ashrah is quite special isn't she?" Feedmen replied smiling with his full charm on,

"no matter how many times you praise Ashrah it won't get me to like you Maclop Feedmen, don't you have a wife?" said a not very amused Sheeba,

the doctor finally got the message and decided to speak serious now as he cleared his throat "Well... let's change the subject shall we?...about the little boy you bravely rescued the other day, his health is gradually getting better, although we're facing a problem identifying his originals, it's obvious from his complexion that This baby boy was brought from the far away dessert side. considering the fact this child was abandoned here I've spoken with most parents eligible for adoption yet it seems like the baby boy is not currently wanted...much like Ashrah was a year ago!" said the doctor very carefully eyeing Sheeba,

Sheeba took a moment to think to herself, if nobody wants to take care of this child then he might be sent outside the town for adoption and it's a difficult process, she thought about raising the boy herself but she was financial strained and barley even taking care of Ashrah,

"I can see You're thinking very deeply about the little boy." The doctor asked breaking Sheeba's train of thoughts, she nodded expressing her worries about the little boy's fate,

Maclop smiled at her "Oh Sheeba don't worry I've decided to adopt the boy myself, any name recommendation? I was looking yesterday for special desert side names for the baby...I choose Sayf, it sounded special!" he said beaming,

Sheeba's eyes lit up "Maclop are you serious?! that's awesome news! yes Sayf is a very beautiful name but does your wife agrees in with this adoption?" Sheeba asked curiously,

" no...Lindy is against it...she was mad when I brought it up few days ago because, she thinks the baby is too dark skinned she thinks it hideous...well I don't care anymore I divorced her yesterday, I'm not staying married to a racist" said Maclop smiling brightly at particularly nothing,

"wow turned out to be a decent human being after all Feedmen, well can I trust you to keep me updated on Sayf's health? if you need help or advice raising him I'm happy to offer." Sheeba said smiling back for the first time at the charming doctor,

"I do have one wish, that our kids be trained together by you, I heard you talk the other day saying you want to train Ashrah on magic and sword fighting. I would love it if you would also train Sayf when he grows up more, honestly I would also love for him to grow up friends with Ashrah." Maclop replied

"fine I agree I guess...I will only train the two of them, my little girl and your little boy." Sheeba spoke offering to shake the doctor's hand who gladly accepted the handshake.

.....chapter ends...