Ashrah and Sayf

more Shi-World informations:

in Shi-World lands are divided depending on the landforms,

- sea side where it's mostly oceans and seas and where islands and Coastal cities and Marine kingdoms are found,

- the desert side expected to be mostly human life deprived, but it has a of inhabitants human and non human, like the most famous massive eastern style 'Saharms Kingdom' Kingdom of humans that exists in the heart of the desert side.

- the Green side where big forest and jungles exist and more human life is found alongside with other non human beings on grass and green,

-the Frozen side, where everything is icy cold and snow is forever the fashion trend worn by the lands there, life there much like the Sahara is pretty hard for human beings but there's number of kingdoms and cities where humans live comfortably alongside creatures of the cold,

These four side exist are neighboring each others in a square like way,

above them feet away in the sky is the fourth and fifth side,

-the cloud side where aerial life is found, mostly winged creatures, cities even kingdoms literally built on clouds.

beneath the earth and the five sides there's a hidden side,

-the Hell side where demonic creatures and fire based creatures often reside, it the home for the Heblex kingdom ruled by the infamous king Helleus, the king of demons,

these are the six main sides of the magical 'Shi-World' : Sea side, Desert side, Green side, Frozen side, Cloud side, Hell side.

each side has Thier own culture, variation of creatures from humans to non humans, special landscapes and magic types,

for example, All the sides in this magic world have Their own currency mainly for aesthetic reasons and each currency has the same worth as the other one,

-Sea side currency: Meraconda.

-Desert side currency: Sandora.

-Green side currency: Treela.

-Frozen side currency: Icyuka.

-Cloud side currency: Wingphira.

-Hell side currency: Burnetta.

.....chapter Begins.....

Third person pov:

-Date: 25 Decemberpuff year 2019:

today was a bit cold Zimday afternoon, Ashrah was entertaining the hoards children by the harbour that came rushing once she walked outside her family's shop,

children were tugging at her boysenberry colored shawl and some tugged on her old knee-length dress, its lemonade pink color has been to fade with time, in her mind she wasn't ready to spend money on new clothes no matter how much she wanted to buy some, despite that she made good money on her own from taking quests with Sayf, she was using that money to help Sheeba and the townspeople when they needed to, often depriving herself of her own hard work earned money,

lately she and Sayf have been gathering money for the first time to buy something for themselves, a communication device that runs on magic energy so they can communicate with each others without the use of spell, so Ashrah was holding back on treating herself with a shopping spree,

"oh c' us just one more trick Ashrah!" The town's kids Playing in the harbour were begging from the boysenberry hair young woman to show them just another one of her magic spells she created and developed herself,

due to the boysenberry hair and eyes color she was born with and inherited from her mother, it was often very easy for anyone to recognize the ponytail hairstyled girl that walked the streets of Sirènesia with a shawl matching her eyes and hair color around her shoulders hiding her scar from when she was attacked as a baby,

Boysenberry is a type of purple color, associated with mystery, feminine qualities, magic and royalty, so it was also easy to tell that Ashrah due to her hair and eyes color, was a magic user since unusual skin tones, eyes and hair colors are often common for Magic users,

Ashrah laughed at how miserably whinny the kids were begging for more " ayaaaaa Fine Fine! just one more and all of you are going to have to leave me alone afterwards...promise me?" Ashrah said with a heart shaped smile,

the group of kids nodded yes in excitement which made Ashrah grant them Their wish,

"HELLFIRE NOVA!" she chanted sticking the palms of hands together then slowly, a star made of fire slowly begin appearing and growing as she spread her palms away from each other slowly,

everyone looked in Awe at the mesmerizing shape blazing star until Ashrah made it disappear by closing her palms again,

"how did you do that?!" one kid asked,

Ashrah patted all the children heads and smiled, "oh that's my little secret I can't tell everyone can I?" she replied making the children whine again,

she decided that it was enough time spent with these playful Kids as she walked away from them and back into the armory shop where she found the gracefully aging Sheeba, her adoptive Mother quietly thinking deeply in her chair,

"we haven't had any buyers in few days Sheeba...does that bother you Alot lately?" Ashrah said bringing Sheeba's attention back to reality,

"You're going to turn 18 by the new year's day, I'm more concerned about that!" Sheeba replied fixing her pair of glasses,

what Sheeba meant was the all across the sides of the Shi-World, when anyone turn 18 they are officially adults and treated as such, at the age of 18 parents in the Shi-World no longer have to take care if their young adults or tell them what to do, and what's more important at this age for anyone in love or hoping to be in the future is the marriage license,

by law anyone younger than 18 cannot Marry no matter what the circumstances are, only when a Shi-World citizen reaches the age of 18 when they are giving the right to marry whomever the want as long as the other party is also 18 or older,

"ohhh are you worried I might marry someone you might not like?" Ashrah sheepishly smiling asked playing with her ponytailed hair,

Sheeba rolled her eyes at the young girl, she knew this girl loved to tease her,

"if it's Sayf then of course I'm worried, you two are a trouble couple!" said Sheeba jokingly while eyeing her young daughter's smile tremble,

"Sayf and I are best friends from childhood...I don't have any romantic feelings towards far, and besides! it's way too early to be thinking about relationships?! I mean who got time for that." Replied Ashrah,

"but I can't say of that's the case for him my dearest, well anyway speaking of Sayf...Maclop told me that Sayf hasn't been back from his quest in Central Mearanda yet...have you noticed how he didn't come all week to visit me or hang out with you?...I haven't personally seen him since the last Greenday, I wonder what that boy is up to?! maybe the quest he took was a bit hard to handle?" Said Sheeba,

Ashrah shrugged, she as well hasn't seen her best friend Sayf as well in a while, this doesn't ring alarm bells as the seventeen years old deep ebony skin boy often disappears on his own for a day or two to do solo magic quests,

Ashrah and Sayf always work as a team and tag along with each other on quests all the time, but lately in order to for for both of them to learn how to depend on themselves, each one of them would take a magic quest on Their own to train on their personal level,

they still do quests mostly together, however Sayf still hasn't returned back from his quest for them to do so, and it's quite hard for them to communicate, as communication spell are Sayf's weak point, that's why they were saving money to buy a communication device,

in general, far distance communication with people was possible due the the existence of Various communication spells however since not everyone is a mage, not everyone is capable of communicating using those spells, so in the past A specific company working on magic technology have created the landline phone called the Crystal ball phone, making in to be the first and most common landline phone in the history of The Shi-World,

it's a crystal ball shaped device that allows people to make calls and communication with others, this phone however isn't movable or portable in any way designed especially for home and shops, at first is was for the rich only but then an affordable version was created for the public and sold all across the Shi-World, marking that company's legendary success beginnings as more and more technological advances were made thanks to it,

there is however a portable smaller communication device that spread in the past few years across the Shi-World called the Hand-Mirror phone, made by the same company, this device became the obsession for people to obtain as it made life a hundred times easier,

this device connects with the Shi-World new universal network allowing people with and without magic powers to communicate with others when needed and so much more other advantages, however yet again this device caused a ruckus due to it being a new magic technology and a quite hard one to obtain,

Getting a Hand-Mirror phone is quite expensive and especially for non magic users, as this phone runs on Shi-Mana the Shi-World Magic Energy that allows spells to be casted and magic to take forms,

this energy flows naturally within Mages, So magic users can use Their Shi-Mana to power their own phone, but unfortunately the the Non-magic users can't do the same, often resulting in them buying a lot of made Shi-Mana to power their device which can come as quite costly for lots of people,

"I don't know what is going on and I hope he's okay, I trained you both very well equally on strength, magic and logic, I hope my students would make me more proud than worried!" Sheeba said, "especially Sayf he's reckless" she added,

"oh you're so hard on him! he's doing fine I'm sure of it! my gut feeling is telling so! anyways, me and Sayf we've been working really hard lately on gathering enough Meraconda coins! we will be able to buy our own Hand-Mirror phone soon! and then we wouldn't have to worry about communicating with each others anymore, it'll be an easy job." Ashrah said smiling bright at the thought,

"So what are you doing now? I don't suppose you're going to help me in the shop now are you Ash?!" Sheeba asked her young daughter,

"oh no actually I was supposed to go the lighthouse to train on that sword technic you told me to Master very well these days" Ashrah replied grabbing from her magic inventory and wielding her enchanted Spadroon sword that was crafted few years ago by Sheeba in the magic armory shop,

a light sword with a straight-edged blade, enabling both cut and thrust attacks, that Spadroon sword was Ashrah's most trustworthy weapon, with multiple protection and strength spells casted on her sword, Ashrah always had the upper hand in every battle she faced so far with this blade in her possession,

without mentioning all the technics and hard work she poured into her swordsmanship, Sheeba did everything she could training both Ashrah and Sayf and sharing her knowledge in the world of clashing blades,

the whole town of Sirènesia speaks about Ashrah and Sayf often referring to them as 'The magic sword fighting duo'

Ashrah bid her mentor Sheeba a goodbye leaving the shop as she headed to the lighthouse to train.

=time skip= sunset:

in the outskirts of town in the northern side of

the Town of Sirènesia, there was a big long Covered bridge that ties the town with the rest of the Mearanda Island,

Sirènesia being a small separated part on the edges of a big island, anyone who is in Mearanda's island that want to enter Sirènesia or leave it without having to sail will have to use that bridge eventually,

the Covered bridge is bridge with a roof, built years ago in the past, constructed between two cliffs facing each other, below the bridge was a river that flows into the ocean,

near that bridge on Sirènesia cliff side, was The house were Ashrah and Sheeba lived quietly in, if visitors came to town, This house would be the first house they see,

Ashrah was back from training in the opposite side of the town coming all the way from the lighthouse, the distance was quite long and stamina consuming but she pushed herself through it eagerly,

after some time, she made it outside her home at last,

Ashrah stood in her place, something made her stand and watch the place she grew up in,

her home was always a warm one, emotions unfolded as her childhood sweet memories were playing in her mind, Even though she lived in a small house, she looked forward to going home at the end of a long day every single time, the days where she stayed away from her Cosy home due to quests were the hardest on Ashrah to bear,

she smiled at the house she always loved, where Sheeba her adoptive Mother raised her like always promised, in this place she played and fought with Sayf as they grew up taller each day,

the house was an old farm like house, it had two floors and basement, it was relatively small with two bedroom one fo Ashrah and one for Sheeba, the walls painted white and the roof painted in dark purple,

there was all sorts of magical plants and flowers planted in a garden surrounding the house, these herbs were mostly for use in potions and spells yet they have given the place a beautiful vibe,

from where she was standing, Ashrah can see both her House and the bridge nearby,

she noticed something or someone coming out of the Covered bridge and to her direction,

it was enough for her to see the Asymmetrical Shag hairstyle to know it was none other than her best friend Sayf, the boy she knew from childhood,

Sayf dressed in black suit Shorts with a white buttoned up dress shirt and pair of Loafers shoes on his feet

stood a young Man With deep ebony skin and white hair with fire colored tips, Sayf was also easily spotted and recognized by the town's people by his unusual looks, add in the fact that his skin color that was uncommon in the desert side was a rare sight to see in this coastal town, only Sayf and Madame Sheeba were the only dark skinned people living in Sirènesia at this time,

Adila, Ashrah's deceased mother before Sheeba or Sayf arrived was the only person in the entire town with an Deep brown skin color,

the town's people were kind to the newcomers mostly but the elders often saw anyone who doesn't look like them as 'exotic' and 'Weird looking'

because somehow in the Shi-World everyone with a brown or dark, Arabian like complexion comes from the desert side only, people from there face troubles settling anywhere outside the desert side, even those whom are born or raised from childhood outside the desert side like Sayf,

being raised dark skinned in a town where most people had fair skin tone and bright colored eyes, even though his father Maclop Feedmen the doctor who adopted him years ago alongside with his mentor Sheeba and His Best friend Ashrah do everything in Thier power's can to make Sayf feel loved despite his race, this didn't stop the boy from feeling better about himself,

Sayf always Wondered what the desert side is like as he till now never left Mearanda island or the sea side at all,

"Sayf hi!" Ashrah greeted him with hearty broad smile as her eyes met his blazing colored eyes, she was happy to see her friend back in one piece and seemingly healthy,

Sayf returned her smile with an enigmatic smile of his own,

"sup purple head, did you miss me?" he said looking at her,

"nothing much, you had Sheeba and your dad worried about you, and since when you take solo quests without telling me?" Ashrah spoke in a serious tone now,

"sorry about that I... wanted to do something special." Sayf replied,

Ashrah raised an eyebrow, "something special? like what?" she asked,

"I'll show you when it's your birthday, for now I wanna rest my limps! I'm exhausted and I wanna go home." Said Sayf as he walked towards the town,

he planned to go straight to the hospital where Maclop worked,

he wanted to visit his father while he is still at the hospital to surprise him, Ashrah tagged along with Sayf despite having just walked that whole distance minutes ago,

together both of them walked side by side catching up and talking about what happened during the past three days.

..... chapter end....

reminder of the magic land calendar:

The Magic land calendar is the same as the Normal word just with different names:

there's 7 days of the week

1- Grindyday (beginning of the week like a Monday)

2 - Shizday

3- Zimday

4 -Fangday

5 -Neyday

6-Skyday (weekend)

7-Greenday (weekend)

there's 12 months in the year :

(first month) Januarrek,











Decemberpuff (last month of the year)