A funny new year's day

note: more informations about the Shi-World:

the age of 18:

As mentioned before, in the Shi-World,

people can only start getting married after reaching the adulthood age of 18,

once a Shi-World citizen reaches this age, they can marry whenever and whomever they want,

sometimes, some people are blessed by finding a fated mate when they turn 18,

but being 18 is not just about love and marriage or financial independence, however

for example in some places in Shi-World, there's special rules concerning this specific age,

some Kingdoms whose ruler died or left the throne empty for example, and there's is An heir to the throne, the heir can only become the ruler of that kingdom once they reach the age of 18,

meaning there's no ruler under 18 years old in most of kingdoms in Shi-World,

one kingdom that has been known for following that rule strictly for decades now, it is the infamous Saharms Kingdom for humans in the desert side!

-more information about the Shi-World:

if we were to divide This world's creatures based on the aspects of humanity,

we would have three categories: human ,non-human ,half human.

In this world exists various of Non human creatures like vampires, werewolves, Ghouls, merfolk, yeti and more other numerous types of creatures and beasts conquering the Shi-World for generations, they are the strongest among all the citizens of this world.

humans on the other hand have fought and sometimes made alliances with their fellow non human beings for generations in order to survive and build a community, they played a big role in building and developing the economical system and technological and magical advances that have occurred in the Shi-World.

for generations and thousands of years in the very far past, War was the common thing that gathered humans and non-human creatures in one place,

yet the war died out slowly, and the alliances that human made with their non-human fellow beings grew in number and changed in nature, often resulting in bonds built on pure emotions and mutual care instead of pragmatic reasons and survival,

love found a way to gather some humans and beasts, friendship, married, parenthood

and so across the Shi-World, the third type of creatures became more and more common to exist, the hybrids or also known as the half humans, the results of new change of heart that have occurred in the Shi-World.

..... chapter begins....

-Date: 1 Januarrek year 2020:

today has finally came, it's a very anticipated day as it is the first day of a new year in the whole Shi-World, in all of its sides, a world wide celebration!

for the sea side, for example in Mearanda island, celebrations of new year are taking over all the cities and towns, except for one town that prefers to get lazy on such day with little to no major celebrations,

specifically speaking about this coastal town of Sirènesia, this day meant two things!

A new year day meant a day they can use as an excuse to not have to go to work, And second it was the special birthday of someone special,

Their heroine's birthday, the Sword fighting girl with the boysenberry ponytail who lives in the house by the bridge.

today Ashrah finally turned 18 years old, and for some young and single townspeople it's a chance for romance as Sheeba, Ashrah's mentor and adoptive Mother has banned anyone from getting closer to Ashrah or ask her out on a date,

Sheeba never liked most of the townspeople except for Maclop Feedmen and Sayf as the rest of the townspeople never helped her and Ashrah when she needed them the most but instead the folks here in town relied heavily on the two women to save the day each time the town was in trouble.

And now in their minds, now that Ashrah is 18, Sheeba cannot be much of interference in her love life as the Boysenberry hair girl is considered officially an adult.

Ashrah herself wasn't interested in doing Anything romantic with anyone in town in the meantime as she only had eyes on a certain person, yet she chose to to bury those thoughts deep focusing on something much more important, as she was raised by Sheeba whom she always told her to focus on her life and herself and that love will come eventually in the right time no need to chase it, "you're still young and the world is ahead of you!"

now that Ashrah has more freedom and ground to stand on, she wanted answers mostly for the scar on her back that she had since she was a gibberish speaking infant,

she wanted to know more than anything about the assassins that killed Adila and Sean, her birth parents.

On the other hand, Someone else was feeling a bit gloomy, because now his best friend has turned 18 years old and he hasn't yet, although he will turn 18 soon this very year later on Septadazzle month, Sayf was feeling down again and the only thought other that this in his head today was if Ashrah would like the gift he brought for her birthday, he hoped in his heart that this gift would be something that Ashrah keeps on her all the time like her purple shawl around her shoulders.

.....time skip....the afternoon.....

It was already the afternoon, and Sheeba was in hers and Ashrah's house, the house that the townspeople love to call 'the house by the bridge'

She was busy cooking all kinds of delicious food for the Birthday party, they never went for the cake and sweet pastries since Ashrah doesn't like sweets very much,

So as a tradition in Ashrah's birthday, Sheeba would host a family dinner party where she cooks all types of savoury and spicy dishes that Ashrah enjoys,

with the help of their friends Maclop and Sayf, this birthday party is always designated for just them four, Ashrah, Sheeba, Maclop and Sayf.

As Sheeba was burying herself with work in the kitchen, Maclop came in hugging a basket of vegetables he just bought at the town's market,

"thanks for the help, you shouldn't have bothered yourself Doctor." Sheeba said flatly taking the basket from Maclop,

the gracefully aging gentleman smiled pearly whites while starring at the woman with long dark hair and golden bronze skin working her heart out on the stove, Sheeba barley spoke words or held a long conversation with anyone, her love language was to do something the other person likes, like she's doing all this cooking for Ashrah's birthday.

Maclop's heart tried flying away, back and forth, from a person to another but in the end it lands swifty in Sheeba's hands every single time, for the past 18 years his heart has been diagnosed with the same condition, owned by Sheeba, the Arabian looking woman.

"Sheeba...have you ever...like wanted something so bad but you were unsuccessful in having it? a desire that cannot be fulfilled?" Maclop asked in a halting manner,

Sheeba turned her head towards him unamused by the tacky question, "Always, many times Maclop, I've wanted peace of mind but I live in constant regret. I wanted to bring the dead back to life, but that is just impossible to do!" she said slowly turning her head back to the food she's making,

Maclop's smile faded a bit at her grim response, "Sheeba...I know your feelings for me are still there...all those years ago, why did you rejected me? i absolutely respect your decision! I'm not mad about the rejection, I just wanna know why? you never even dates or being with anyone either? you're always by my side as a friend, so why not more?" he asked.

There was silence for a few seconds before Sheeba turned her head back to face the handsome face of the doctor,

she stared deeply with her deep brown eyes into his deep blue ones before she finally spoke her words,

"we're too old now for this crap, will you drop this subject? you're better off with someone else Maclop! someone who's good for you, stop waisting whatever time is left for you, you and I are just too different." Sheeba said,

hearing her response, Maclop has just had enough, "You are good for me! Sheeba it's been 18 years! I dated, married and divorced countless of times and still feel empty, because none of those times were with you!" he Said shouting a bit,

"And what the hell that's got to do with me Maclop?! huh you hypocrite?! you say you're not mad about the rejection?! don't blame me for the fact that you can't keep a relationship going for more than few weeks! besides I don't care how long it's been, there is no you and me and that's final! we're friends Maclop and it's for the best of us and for our kids." Sheeba replied to him not so calmly, she also has had enough with him constantly hoping for a chance, She knew it was for the best if Maclop never loved her to begin with.

sighting Maclop walked towards the kitchen's door, Sheeba's eyes following his movement,

"you always care about everyone's wellbeing but yourself Sheeba, I wish just for once you'd be selfish and admit your feelings, you can't hide behind Ashrah as an excuse anymore she's 18 now." he said,

"and for once in your life Maclop realize I'm not the right one for you, think of yourself, free yourself from this misery! you're shackled by this love!"

" Sheeba Khan, I love you I really do, I don't think I'll ever love someone else the same way I love you, and I don't think anyone else is going to break my heart the way you always do."

"I've told you countless of times Mac, nothing good will come out of you loving me, I'll be for the best if you focus on your son Doctor Feedmen, Sayf is going to be 18 this Septadazzle, and you know what that means." Sheeba said eying the Blond man carefully,

Maclop gave her a sour knowing look before he got out of the kitchen and closed the door behind him,

Sheeba's tears were threatening to fall but she fought the urge to cry again as the Quadragenarian woman wanted to just finish making the food and get on with her day,

"I'm so sorry my Love, forgive me for putting you through this, but if you knew who I was in the past you would hate the me you love now." Sheeba whispered to herself continuing her work in the kitchen silently.

on the other side, Maclop who had his head resting on the door from the opposite side, heard what she said despite the whispering as he has been using a special hearing spell for a while now, he roughly wiped his own tears with his shirt sleeves,

"you let your past hunt you for so long and now it's hunting the both of us" he whispered to himself before moving quietly away from the door, he then walked outside the house deciding to go for a walk on the bridge.


in the opposite side by the harbour, most boats weren't sailing and most shops were closed despite being a Zimday, a week day yet because this is the new year's day, most townspeople don't work at all, that's how they celebrate the new year's day.

there's few shops selling gifts Flowers and necessities of food, but anything else is off,

Ashrah was working on her acrobatic moves with Sayf,

"how can you move so swiftly in a dress without ripping it? aren't dresses hard to train in?...also respectfully asking how come your dress doesn't fall off when you do hand stands and back flips? I never though of asking this before!" Sayf asked, he was quite baffled by how easily Ashrah moved in her pink knee-length dress,

"my dress doesn't fall off because it's enchanted with a decency spell that Sheeba casted on the dress when I first made it! as weird as that sounds it prevents my dress from unwantedly falling off when I flip...haha it's a funny spell if you'd ask me, oh as for the dress design itself, it's pretty easy actually, as you can see the top of the dress is sleeveless which doesn't restrict my arms movement at all, as for the bottom it's not tight obviously since it's a wide circle skirt, I can move my legs freely, I did a good job sewing this dress this way to ensure I can move as I please don't you think?" Ashrah said explaining,

"oh so it's both functional and pretty, I thought all dresses are tacky and movement restrictive, and you're right the spell thing is funny...BTW Ash, the color is fading away, don't you think it's time to make or at least buy a new outfit?! coming to think of it I never saw you wear anything but this dress, not that I care what you wear you're free to do as you please, I'm just wondering why not get something new since you've been earning lot of money from quests lately?" Sayf asked her,

she shook her head with a no, " I'm not using my money on that shopping yet! you know we got buy those Hand-Mirror phones right?... anyways enough talking about my outfit, let's continue practicing!" Ashrah answer going back to practicing her one hand stand,

but Sayf had other plans than just regular training,

Sayf managed to persuade her to go to the lighthouse with him for a better land to train on, the Fair skin maiden agreed to race her best friend to the lighthouse by the beach,

in few minutes, they made it there to the lighthouse that stood tall before them surrounded by sand from a side and water by the other,

and before Ashrah could catch her breath, she found Sayf standing with a determinant look on his blazing eyes.

"Ashrah daughter of Master Sheeba Khan! I Sayf Son of Maclop Feedmen, challenge you to a magic sword duel!" Sayf announced, his voice boomed in the empty space, a band of wind gushing caused strands of his shagged white hair with fire colored tips,

"pffft that's how you treat me on my birthday? how cruel! well I Ashrah Accept your foolish offer to fight me son of Feedmen!" Ashrah said, her purple eyes glistening as she proudly pulled her enchanted sword out of her Magic inventory,

it was nothing new of a practice for the best friends as they often battled like this to see who's been doing better in their training, or sometime to win a special favor from one another.

Ashrah firmly gripped on her enchanted Spadroon planning to leave no chance of winning the match to the dark skin young man before her,

Sayf as a duel blade fighter also took his swords out, wielding in his hands his two Sabres in the air very arrogantly, he wasn't about to lose this time either.

A Sabre is a single-edged curved bladed sword, unlike Ashrah's Spadroon straight-edged blade.

both best friends and Fighters took positions, few steps of distance between them facing each other face to face.

"let's make a deal shall we purple hair?" Sayf suggested,

"Aha! so that's why you're eager to fight me! then I'll go first!...hmm let's see...since you've been nagging about my dress if I win you're going to wear it for the rest of the day!" Ashrah replied,

Sayf raised an eyebrow, " wear what? your dress? what you're gonna wear if I wore your dress, since you're refusing to buy new clothes" he asked,

"your clothes obviously? if I win you're wearing my dress and I'm wearing your shirt and shorts! we'll switch after you lose this battle." Ashrah replied chuckling,

" alright I guess we can change in the lighthouse, that if I lost only! honestly it'll be a win as well for me to see you for once out of that dress...respectfully speaking" Sayf said, he can feel his face heating up as he realized how inappropriate his words sounded,

" ohh ok" Ashrah simply replied hiding her blushing face, her best friend's comment made her heart skip a beat.

"Anyways m'lady *clears throat* if I win however you're doing me a big favor!" Sayf said in more serious tone this time.

"what kind of big favor Sayf?"

"a personal one Ashrah bigger than your bet, when this Septadazzle month comes buy specifically on my birthday, I'm going on an important trip to the Saharms Kingdom in the desert side, I need you to go with Me."

" I'll go with you regardless of whether you win this round or not."

" wait Ash? you serious? it's not a simple trip it's a serious thing."

"Why not fire-tips? we're a team I got your back! besides I know how badly you wanted to travel outside Mearanda island."

"I don't know what to say...thank you Ashrah... really you don't know how happy this makes me feel right now, I'll explain everything later on when we go back."

"sure thing Sayf, can we fight now because my hand is kind feeling numb from holding my sword without moving it?" Ashrah asked chucking,

the two finally charged at each other, Their blades clashing and making a loud clanking sound.

magic sword fighting was basically a combo of sword fighting and casting magic spells at the same time, those with enchanted swords can use their blades as a wand for Various attack spells casting while fighting traditionally with Swords.

.....time skip.....

with his back on the ground, Ashrah stood towering announcing her Victory over Sayf who laid on the ground defeated,

" Aha! say Yes to the dress! my friend cuz you just lost!" Ashrah chanted in excitement, Sayf rolled his eyes.

the two friends headed for the lighthouse to change clothes,

inside the lighthouse, they took off their clothes facing one another with their backs, Ashrah removed her dress and slid it behind her to Sayf's side,

" grab it, no peeking fire-tips!"

"same for you Ash"

Sayf as well took off his suit-short and shirt, slid them behind to Ashrah's side, the two picked up each other's clothes and wore them quickly.

"wow your shirt is almost form fitting, we really do have similar body size! technically we're also the same height." Ashrah exclaimed after she put on Sayf's clothes. she picked up her shawl and spun around to see Sayf enjoying himself in her dress,

"not going to lie, this dress flatters my body!" Sayf said posing himself in the circle skirt dress, he turned around facing Ashrah who was snicking at him.

" oh wow that's how you look wearing pants, umm I never thought I'd feel like this seeing you wearing my clothes" Sayf said burying his face in his hand,

"hehehe look how happy you are! if I knew you'd be this excited I'd wore something like this sooner! anyways Sayf there's one more thing missing in your outfit" Ashrah spoke placing her Purple Shawl around Sayf's Bare shoulders,

" oh this dress has pockets!!" Sayf said smiling a little,

the two best friends decided to go to Ashrah's house to surprise Sheeba and Maclop,

as they walked, town's people were laughing as they saw the due walking in each other's clothes, they knew Sayf must've lost a bet since He usually does loses most of his bets with Ashrah,

Ashrah and Sayf often betted with each other resulting in hilarious punishments for the loser,

what the townspeople thought never mattered to them as the two Best friend walked happily side by side towards the house by the bridge.

... chapter end....

reminder of the magic land calendar:

The Magic land calendar is the same as the Normal word just with different names:

there's 7 days of the week

1- Grindyday (beginning of the week like a Monday)

2 - Shizday

3- Zimday

4 -Fangday

5 -Neyday

6-Skyday (weekend)

7-Greenday (weekend)

there's 12 months in the year :

(first month) Januarrek,











Decemberpuff (last month of the year)