A heartbreaking discovery

- More information about the Shi-World:

fated mates?

well, yeah! Love is something quite sacred in most sides of the Shi-World, love has no limits and there's a whole category of magic dedicated just for love.

The fated mate legend is a big center of attention for most of the public in the Shi-World when it comes to the subject of romance, well I said most because many people in this worlds don't get the chance to find their fated mate at all, or have other opinion about the matter.

According to the legend, when a someone turns 18 aka starting form the age 18, they might get a chance to find their fated mate!

well, also that can only happened if the other person is as well 18 years.

sounds familiar? yep technically these are the same rules as the marriage license ones in the Shi-World, that's why the age of 18 is an extremely important time in one's life.

like said beforehand, most sides believe in this legend as it has happened to the lucky few.

Unfortunately it's quite rare for this to occur,

only handful of people will encounter their fated mates in their life time and the rest will find love the normal way.

while lots of people adore this legend and pray to be lucky enough to experience it, Some people are scared of this legend, they believe it might force you to love someone you don't want to or not used to, considering the fact that a fated mate can be literally anyone regardless of their origins, species type, gender...ect

some are skeptical of it, especially if they already have a lover when they found this supposedly fated mate, will their emotions change? do they have to break up with the person they're with currently?

Some are accepting, some are scared, some don't even believe in this legend due to its vague and rare nature,

and some feel bitter about this legend...they hate it.

..... chapter begins...

-Date: 17 Septadazzle year 2020:

As ordinary this Fangday morning is supposed to be to the coastal town of Sirènesia, it is far from ordinary, most of the Townspeople were already gathered at the harbour intrigued as a fancy ship has found its way in the dock.

Sheeba who was going to her magic armory shop by the harbour, saw the commotion people were making at the dock and decided to join the crowd to see what's going on.

Basically this town is literally an outcast type of town, aside from the waters, if anyone wants to come by land they'll have to use the bridge on the other side of town and there's rarely anyone visiting Sirènesia.

most people arriving by the bridge, are solo travelers, ordinary people or small deliveries coming or going to Mearanda island that don't need to take a boat or a ship.

however those few who choose to sail are usually involved in commerce, simply because Ships here are mostly for big shipments to carry either sold or bought merchandise for the town of Sirènesia.

So aside from trading business, people do travel the normal way obviously by sailing in a big ship, And those passenger ships are mostly from Sea Traveling guilds providing such service,

like companies and such, Sea Traveling guilds provide traditional traveling method by sea Aka Ships especially for the use of people, they variate in levels of luxury depending on the person they are carrying of course.

And this specific ship docking this morning here at Sirènesia is one of those luxurious traveling guilds Ships.

with a glorious design and standing high making a big shape of shadow, this ship was definitely carrying someone or some people that are deep-pocketed and ain't afraid to spend some money.

Sheeba didn't however feel fazed by the spectacle Infront of her, sure rich loaded folks rarely show up at Sirènesia but she doesn't care who's coming and going as long as they don't bother her and Her loved ones.

However madam Sheeba Khan was curious this time as why the strangers in the ship came in today.

it wasn't special day, there's isn't any major business even, not a holiday or a nationwide celebration of any kind, so why would there be some wealthy people coming over to Sirènesia.

"visiting...maybe they wanna start a business here?" Sheeba thought to herself.

As the ship passengers finally set foot on the harbour, Sheeba's hands started unconsciously twitching, Seeing who the occupant was, a Familiar face.

very familiar, Her heartbeats were insanely rapid, just few steps away from her in front the crows stood her one of her worst nightmares.

A tall Dark skinned man, his long white hair with fire colored tips and blazing eyes were Shining brighter under the sun light.

King Aziz, that man is the infamous king Aziz of the Saharms Kingdom, besides him was a Man even taller and bulkier than him with light brown skin and red cherry hair, possibly his bodyguard.

"Are you kidding me? the F is going on here?!" Sheeba whispered taking a step back, Aziz was busy speaking with his bodyguard when he finally noticed the dark haired woman attempting to escape from the crowd.

" Sheeba?...oh no Wait!" Aziz called for her as soon as he spotted the woman, Sheeba however didn't stop, her instincts took over her running away.

Aziz decided to chase after her on foot as well with his bodyguard close by but he was unfortunately not a match for the Madam's speed.

" Sheeba please wait...damn it " Aziz called again but Sheeba kept running away dodging his every attempt at catching her.


Ashrah and Sayf have just crossed the bridge leading to Sirènesia, coming back from a long quest that took them 3 days, they were just in need of a break from all the adventures they went through.

" see!! I told you buying these Hand-Mirror phones was the best thing we ever done! we don't even need to worry about each other when we're apart, these little bad boys made the work easier. " Ashrah cheerfully spoke checking her newly bought purple Hand-Mirror phone.

Sayf nodded silently at her statement, his eyes were focused on a familiar figure from their town waiting nearby, the old lady that used to babysit him and Ashrah a lot when they were kids.

Miss Seabee, the sweetest old lady in town who literally babysitting half of the children in Sirènesia for free and with no complains whatsoever was waiting patiently at Ashrah's house door.

when she spotted miss Seabee, Ashrah hurried to the old woman's side greeting her, "Meredith! I mean Miss Seabee, hello there! were you waiting for long? if you're looking for Sheeba she must have been gone already to work." Ashrah said.

" oh child you're here already? well I actually just came for a walk since it's...peaceful in here, I waited at the door because I couldn't handle the heat from the sun... anyways the town is unusually rowdy today." Miss Seabee replied patting Ashrah's head.

Sayf narrowed his eyes, "Unusually rowdy? what for" he asked.

the old woman nodded her head with a yes, her gray hair shaking with her head, she tapped the ground with her wooden cane it twice, "curious souls! they are saying some visitors from the desert side have came to our small town! what business do they have here with us? they came with a fancy looking Ship, are they related to you young man? I could only think of you having something to do with this my boy." said miss Seabee smiling feebly at Sayf.

"oh no!" Sayf said realizing who the visitors may be,

"oh no what? fire-tips?...wait! could this be your birth father didn't you say he's coming on the day before your birthday? why is he here now? that's like almost two weeks early!" Ashrah spoke looking at Sayf anxiously, there was an ache in her stomach telling her something was wrong.

Sayf frowned at the idea, he was terrified that his mentor Sheeba was going to find out about him finding his birth father before he could even tell her about it himself.

" this is bad I'm pretty sure I told him that my birthday is on the 30th of Septadazzle?! he should be arriving at 29th... why did him come today? did he just ignore everything I said?!" Sayf asked himself voicing his thoughts out loud, his lips grew thin and firm in anxiety.

" I apologize young man to cut you off I am not quite sure what you youngsters are talking about, but I might have an idea on what's going on." The old woman who was still standing beside the two spoke eagerly.

the two best friends looked curiously at the old lady waiting for her to speak, " if my hearing didn't betray me young man, you said you were expecting this visitor a day before the 30th of this month, on your birthday beloved child? well perhaps you have forgotten that you were found as a baby.

forgive me child for sounding heartless, nobody knew who you are or who's your real father or where and when you were even born, that good hearted doctor Feedmen, your adoptive father suggested based on physical examination that you might be born in Septadazzle and he set your birthday date to be on the 30th." miss Seabee replied smiling strangely at the blazing eyes boy.

Sayf slightly faceplamed himself, "I get it Meredith and don't worry about how your words sounded, I was thinking dumb for a moment. I don't know how this slipped my mind...so this means tomorrow could possibly be my real Birthday date. I guess Aziz knows better since he's the person responsible for giving birth to me...yet this is literally a bad timing" he said.

" so that means you're born on The 18th?"

" obviously Ash."

"I'm not sure what to think of it, but I already have a bad feeling about this Aziz guy, no offense Sayf."

" none taken purple head, like I said I don't care if that guy gave birth to me, he's not going to matter to me anyways. however I fear that Sheeba might've already encountered him by now."

" then let's head there and see for ourselves."

....few minutes later....

Ashrah and Sayf were sprinting towards the other side of the town where the shop's is supposed to be however they were stopped in the middle of the town by a large crowd of people watching something going on.

A loud thud startled the duo, Ashrah looked at Sayf in confusion, they decided to cut through the crowd and see what's going on in the middle.

in the middle, there was three people, cherry red hair man was knocked out cold unconscious on the the ground with a scary looking bruise on his forehead.

Sheeba was grabbing Aziz by his lengthy hair, with her sword at his throat threatening to cut it open at any moment.

"Sheeba pleeease let go of him!! don't do anything stupid do you know who this man is?!" Maclop was by her side trying to convince Her not to kill Aziz.

"why aren't you fighting me Aziz huh?!? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LETTING ME BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU?! YOU CHASED AFTER ME ALL THIS DISTANCE SO WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU FIGHTING BACK!!" Sheeba screamed her lunges out at Aziz, he didn't flinch nor move himself from her grip, he literally just allowed her to get a hold of him.

Aziz was staring with his blazing eyes deeply at Sheeba," I'm not sure when will you finally understand that I don't want to hurt you Sheeba... seriously if anything I am the only one left in that Kingdom who believes you're innocent, just come back home I promise no one is going to hurt you! I now have the power to protect you." he said.

"yeah right *mockingly* your majesty?! you think I'm going to believe that, tough luck my friend." Sheeba simply replied raising her blade to the sky, she was going to finish off this Man when. something knocked her blade off her hand and on to the ground.

Sayf has attacked in order to Save Aziz from her attempted murder, "what the hell?" Sheeba said grinding her teeth in anger.

Standing now between Sheeba and Aziz to prevent any more violent reaction, Sayf finally spoke "with all respect madam Sheeba, I think you might not be sure about the reasons Aziz is here at the seaside. you guys have a serious history together I can tell madam, but he came to visit me personally, well pretty much to escort me out of this place and I would very much appreciate it if his head is still intact to his body by the time I'm taking my leave. "

"listen, I don't think you know what you're doing? escort your ass were Sayf to Ba Ba land? what the hell and what kind of business do you have with a F KING?!" Sheeba replied, her grip around Aziz's long hair tightened.

"wouldn't it be better if you let go of the man's hair first Sheeba? ... wait King?!" Ashrah interfered only to realize what just Sheeba said, hearing the word King made her connect some thoughts together.

Maclop walked closer to Sheeba putting his hands on her shoulders, "listen to her please darling let go of that man, let us talk like civilized people! you don't have to bring out your swords every single time you don't like what a man says." he spoke softly, Sheeba took a deep defeated kind of breath before she finally let go of Aziz's hair.

Dusting himself up, Aziz was now fully standing and facing Sheeba with a sad smile, "oh poor guy, you knocked the hell out of my bodyguard Sheeba, he's one of toughest men and our kingdom, but you knocked him with a single blow on the head. you're still the fighter I know Sheeba... I wish your sister fought as good as you did not that it matters I really failed her and I failed you."

"what the hell are you talking about? what's with my sister! Insaf was never a type to fight anyway she was more of the kind to use her mind to solve issues, I always knew I was the sword type of girl." Sheeba replied glaring, crossing her arms loosely, Ashrah and Maclop stood silently watching what was happening.

Sighting, Aziz pointed slightly at Sayf who was still standing between him and Sheeba, "Sheeba, I came here souly for this boy Sayf, if our matching hair and eyes don't give your enough hint to realize that this is my son."

"huh? wtf are you talking about? just because you look like each other doesn't necessarily mean you're related and he's F shorter than you too" Sheeba replied, She wasn't gonna buy it that Sayf was Aziz's son that easily.

her height comment pissed off someone, "oh wow thank you madam Sheeba?! I didn't know that I couldn't be someone's son if I'm shorter than them!" Sayf sarcastically Replied to her,

suddenly his eyebrows curved as something from their previous conversation registered within his head. "I apologize but I just picked up on this fact, did you refer to Insaf, Aziz's late wife as your sister?... doesn't that literally makes you my Aunt?" Sayf asked causing Maclop and Ashrah's jaws to drop.

Sheeba scoffed, " oh please what Aunt? do you honestly want me to believe you're the heir to the Saharms Kingdom throne?! And what's with that senseless joke of 'late wife' huh?!"

Hearing her response, Aziz blinked " oh my...I should have known that you were unaware of what happened to Insaf... I am so sorry Sheeba."

" sorry for what?! what's the deal? my sister is alright...right? right? ANSWER ME AZIZ WHERE'S INSAF!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!!" Sheeba shouted Snarling at Aziz,

Glancing away, Aziz answered Sheeba who's body language threatened to attack him again, " She's gone... Insaf died almost 18 years ago, I am really Sorry Sheeba I failed to protect her when she needed me the most...I know you won't understand but believe me it was out of my control"

" died...dead you mean MY sister that I left in your care...the one I left on her very much alive in her wedding day is dead? you want me to believe this is the reality and that this boy right here is her son and yours? *Sobbing* this is really a senseless joke Aziz, please tell me it's just a joke...why aren't you laughing please tell me this is a joke!" Sheeba spoke kneeling to the ground, she knew it in Aziz's expression that this was far from being just a sick bluff, this was reality.

" Sheeba let's get you somewhere to sit darling, please" Maclop said breaking his silence, with Ashrah's help they help Sheeba off the ground.

Aziz and Sayf stood side by side watching the dark-haired woman get escorted away by Ashrah and Maclop.

the moment she was out of sight, Sayf shooed the confused crowd of townspeople away.

" I am sorry I caused a scene, honestly I did not know that Sheeba wasn't aware of her sister's death... this was possibly the worst way for her to find out" Aziz spoke sighting heavily, he glanced at Sayf who had a surprising neutral expression on his face, as if he wasn't fazed by what happened.

" are you alright?" Aziz asked, Sayf looked at him narrowing his eyes, "don't get your hopes up, Aziz it's going to take more than being nice to me before I'll consider you as a father figure which possibly never going to happen but you can still try... honestly your Majesty I'm doing you a favor by agreeing to this stupid trip in the first place. anyway so tomorrow is my real Birthday date I suppose?" Sayf replied, Aziz nodded with a yes.

"worry not Aziz, I am still going on with the plans, I'll be traveling with you tomorrow's morning to your Kingdom however, I'd like to make a proposition."

" go ahead Sayf, what is it that you want?"

" purple head, that girl you saw with me earlier, her name is Ashrah and she's is coming with me and she will stay with us at the kingdoms castle."

"absolutely not"

"excuse me that's not what we discussed! you said I can bring anyone I want with me!"

"I meant Maclop, since he adopted and took care of you, only family members or royalty of Saharms Kingdom can enter its castle, the girl can come with you but she won't be allowed to stay at the castle, she'll have to find somewhere else to remain."

"you should have told me about this before, F this, I knew I couldn't count on you. Since she's not a royalty, I guess I'm going to have to make Ashrah family then." Sayf replied with a thin smile.

...Chapter end....

reminder of the magic land calendar:

The Magic land calendar is the same as the Normal word just with different names:

there's 7 days of the week

1- Grindyday (beginning of the week like a Monday)

2 - Shizday

3- Zimday

4 -Fangday

5 -Neyday

6-Skyday (weekend)

7-Greenday (weekend)

there's 12 months in the year :

(first month) Januarrek,











Decemberpuff (last month of the year)