A kiss on the forehead

- More information about the Shi-World:

fated mates? again?

Darling, didn't I tell you the legend is pretty popular, and it can affect anyone in Shi-World regardless of Their species, gender, social status and....ect.

so let's say this happens to someone, the most important question is how? how do you know you just found your mate?

it variate from a person to another, some will hear a voice inside Their heads telling them that person is meant for them like werewolves mostly have, some get a future vision about that person like witches.

there's many ways and indicators for someone to know if that person is Their fated mate,

after finding the fated mate, the only thing left is to tie the bond.

all it takes is a little intimate physical contact made like a kiss or a hug or holding both hands, with the fated mate, a contact that connects the fated mates bodies together,

a small colored halo will appear around them, during or right afterward the physical contact has been made, it means the bond is officially sealed.

Fated mates once their bond is officially Sealed, start to gain a special type of abilities.

a person with a fated mate, can feel their partner's emotional state at the moment, fear, happiness, anger, voidness, any emotions that they're currently experiencing.

They can even tell if their partner is in danger.

well, because of how uncommon this legend is, many don't know these privileges that come with the Fated mates legend.

there's even cases where mates even bonded and were unaware that they did, especially those who didn't get any indications.

..... chapter begins...

-Date: 17 Septadazzle year 2020 ( same day ): time: merely an hour before midnight.

Sayf and Ashrah were calmly sitting outside in the garden watching the moon in the sky, they were just done talking about how badly the interaction between Aziz and Sheeba has affected her, as Sheeba spent the rest of the day crying in Maclop's arms grieving, as it turned out that Aziz's wife the supposed queen of Saharms Kingdom and Who also turned out to be Sayf's real mother, was dead almost 18 years ago and poor Sheeba had no knowledge in the matter until now.

The moon reflected beautifully on Ashrah's purple eyes as she focused her attention at the bright moon, her hair was no longer in a ponytail.

She wasn't wearing that old pink dress anymore.

in their last mission together, Sayf bought her as unexpected gift a new everyday outfit that she now wears happily, a pink uniform like outfit. consisting of a white short sleeve blouse that fitted her form well, a lemonade pink blazer over her shoulders and a matching color pleated skirt that she wore boys shorts underneath.

Her new outfit matched his outfit that he was wearing as well. While his blouse was also standard white, his blazer and pants were black in color, both outfits had the same piece of accessory on the blazers,

a customized brooch in the shape of a sword representing what kind of blade they use in battle,

Ashrah's brooch was a little Spadroon sword just like the real thing she fights with, while Sayf's brooch was two tiny Sabres clashing together making an 'X' like shape just like his two dear Sabres he uses on the battlefield.

Sayf couldn't help but to smile endearingly at her focused gaze, her fair skin glistening under the moonlight, the two of them sat next to each other, with their hands close almost touching.

"I love you"

"say what?" Ashrah turned her head as soon as she heard those three words come out of Sayf's mouth.

" you heard me Ash, I love you." Sayf without moving his eyes away from her replied, his smile was unusual to Ashrah, he wasn't the kind to smile big.

Confused Ashrah chuckled saying, " of course fire-tips you love me! we're best friends!"

"Really, is that all you can see me as?" He said confusing her once more.

a blush found its way on Ashrah's cheeks, "you mean more than friends... Sayf?" Ashrah said eyeing the Ebony skin boy sitting next to her carefully, Sayf's white hair with fire colored edges styled in that funny but intriguing asymmetrical Shag hairstyle always drawn the attention of everyone who laid eyes on him.

" yeah Ash, more than friends. have you ever seen me that way."

"Has anyone told you you look really pretty fire-tips? you even had the audacity to grow taller than me in past few months."

"why do you always end up saying the most random things Whenever we're talking serious Ashrah?!"

" why did you blurr out all of the sudden that you love me Sayf?!"

" because I do! I swear I'm not playing with your heart Ash!"

" for how long Sayf? how long did you harbour these feelings for me?"

"Well since I was sixteen, considering that I'm about to turn 18 in less than an hour, that makes it two years ago I guess." Sayf replied nervous a bit, it was really hard to hide his crush on Ashrah when she's the person he's always hanging around with.

Ashrah looked him dead in his Blazing eyes, "So... you're sure you're in love with me? what if I said I was in love with you too?" She Asked with a coy playful tone in her voice, this took the flustered Sayf by surprise.

the Boy's quizzical expression said it all, Ashrah's let out a loud hearty laugh, "Ahaha! oh boy you should see your face!!" She spoke clapping her hands while laughing uncontrollably.

"this isn't funny Ashrah! please, my heart is at stake here. what does it take for you to believe that I am in love with you?!" Sayf asked begging that she would take his feelings seriously.

" what do you mean? I do believe you Sayf, I know how you feel."

"what?" Sayf asked immediately, he stood up not sure why he did so.

Ashrah got up from her sitting position as well, dusting her skirt in the process, " I believe you Sayf, I know you have no reason to lie to me nor to attempt to play with my heart. I know for a fact that you're been honest." she replied smiling softly. "I think I love you too, more than friends, I've been feeling something towards you for a while now too." she added tilting her head a little.

Ashrah then opened her arms at Sayf, inviting him in for a hug, he quickly jumped in on the opportunity hugging her as if she would run away from him.

A heavy sight of relief left his lungs, "can you feel my heart beats Ashrah? I think my heart is about to jump off my chest." he said making the purple hair girl giggle.

their hug lasted for few minutes, enough to calm Sayf's drum beating heart.

"What does this makes us now?" Sayf said, his eyes lit up.

a flush crept up her face, " I'm not against dating, if that's what you're asking for... it's kinda weird cuz we know a lot about each other and it makes me feel like there's nothing new we can do, but I'm not against it." Said Ashrah, despite that it was almost midnight, sunshine flooded her soul.

"Still, let's give it a try! I'm pretty sure we're going to have a good time." Sayf replied holding her hands in his, Joy engulfed him as he felt the warmth of her hands Within his.

"Ayya! you're awfully romantic Sayf! I didn't take you for this kind of guys, but I can't deny that I'm happy that this feeling seems to be mutual."

"whatever may be the results of this relationship, whether we remain lovers till the end or separate along the way... Ashrah, promise me this that you'll always be my friend."

" it's a promise fire-tips! I'll never let anything ruin our friendship."

and there was silence again, just two newly lovebirds staring at each other, well until Sayf remembered something.

" oh my, I have completely forgotten why I asked you to sit with me in the garden!" he said facepalming himself,

" wasn't it to confess your love for me? there's something else?"

" well that actually came out of the blue, I felt like I couldn't hold it in anymore so I told you how I feel. anyways love...is it okay for me to call you that by the way?" Sayf asked with puppy like eyes,

" of course you big goof ball *giggling* you can call me whenever you like, but seriously now get to the point Sayf. what's the deal?"

"listen Ash I have another big major favor to ask you... remember when I told you that you can come with me to the kingdom like a plus one guest?"

" yeah I remember you also said you wanna take Maclop with you on the trip, let me guess his Majesty Aziz canceled us both?" Ashrah replied kind of annoyed, she didn't like Sayf's birth father this man Called Aziz not a one bit, even though he's a supposed royalty and a king none the less, she felt utterly disturbed by that man's Aura.

"Ye...Yes, as it turns out we can travel to Saharms Kingdom normally, however in order to enter the royal castle, there's a personal rule to that. Maclop as he is My adoptive father he can stay with me within the castle but for you it's not possible." Sayf explained biting down on his lips, he felt kind of embarrassed telling her this especially after they planned everything together.

narrowing her eyes, Ashrah replied " and so? what's the problem? i don't mind staying somewhere else if I'm unwelcomed in the royal palace! I'll find somewhere else to stay, I said I'm coming with you so I'll be taking responsibility for myself."

Sayf instantly shook his head, "no no no no, I really want you to be by my side it would be better if we come with me to the castle, the palace whatever they call it."

"you just said that I cannot come with you?? please explain Sayf, because every single time you try to ask me for a favor you only leave me with few details and we always end up sailing to some sort of a trouble."

Sayf sighted in distress, he motioned for Ashrah to sit back next to him as he sat down.

as the two sat down comfortably next to each other, Sayf began explaining "I'm sorry I know I always end up doing this, but it's just because I'm not used to asking favors even from you I always have that weird urge to take care of my own shit by myself. And then it ends up making me feel like a liability when I find no choice but to ask you for help... Long story short turns out that only family members or royalties are allowed and the castle,

So commoners or especially not outsiders of the Kingdom cannot set foot inside for I don't know what reason but I have to admit it's reasonable anyway. because Maclop adopted me and took care of me he is considered family so Aziz says he can allow him within the palace walls but as for you he said it's impossible well unless you became family."

"oh let me guess, by making me family I can only imagine you're asking for my hand. well that escalated quickly!" Ashrah spoke with a smirk plastered on her face.

" so you caught up on it Ashrah, well yes according to my annoyingly birth father I can get you inside if everyone believes you're my soon to be bride... I don't want to take this seriously I'm not going to ask you to marry me for real right now, i mean we are young and I know you're not thinking of this right now so let's just play pretend to get you inside the palace and we'll see."

"so you are telling me you're going to ask me to marry you so we act like we are engaged which will give me my ticket inside the palace set your mind free but then what? you're hiding something, and I have a feeling that you're not planning to stay there for more than just few days! your plans are bigger than this aren't they?" Ashrah asked, her smirk faded along the way, it was obvious in Sayf's reaction that she sailed right into the truth.

"ugh you're right, personally I was going or I mean I am going to stay there the kingdom for at least a year." Sayf replied hesitant,

Ashrah's eye's went wide open at those words "a year?! are you kidding me Sayf!! you were planning to go for a year without even telling me first? to a place that both of us have absolutely no knowledge of just because you found your birth father? explain right the hell now why you want to stay there for a year?! I'm really worried for your sake!"

taking a deep breath Sayf continued explaining, "you have absolutely every right to be mad I was supposed to talk to you about this, but Aziz showed up earlier than I thought and now I have to explain everything very quickly to you, so yes! as you know since it's confirmed Aziz is my birth father who turns out to be the king of that Kingdom, which basically makes me the heir to the throne.

now of course I wasn't going to force you to stay with me for a year! I mean you can leave whenever you want it's not like I have a leash around you, but it's just that ...ugh listen Ashrah I don't like Aziz not one bit, and you're well aware of that, but he literally begged me to come with him just for a year.

he's trying to convince me to take the throne! I don't know why Aziz wants to retire early or something, he hasn't explained to me why he wants to step down from the throne, and to be quite honest I'm not going to accept this.

I mean that idiot turns out to have a brother! like literally give your brother your position?! why are you trying to give it to me? but as I have already mentioned before he really begged me to come along, and I felt like at least I should stay with him for a year, I mean he turns out to be my birth father after all! I mean whether I like it or hate it, he's one of the reasons why I'm here today."

Ashrah gave him a skeptical look, "so let me get this straight my Love, King Aziz your birth father not only has a brother who's possibly eligible to become king in his place but no! he comes all the way to the seaside to our small town to pick you up and take you back with him to the kingdom to convince you to be the next king while he gets to retire peacefully?!

ugh Sayf I don't know about this and I don't like it, however this isn't going to change my plan a lot."

Sayf raised an eyebrow, " really?! you're still coming with me?" He said in disbelief.

"unfortunately Yes, I promised that I'll be by your side and I will stay true to my promise. also I accept your fake marriage proposal now that I know this King is definitely planning something I do want to be staying at the castle that will help me to keep a close eye on him." She replied frowning a bit,

" that's really awesome! we can use this fake engagement as an excuse to hang together whenever we like!" Sayf said Jumping within himself with excitement, it didn't however last for long when he noticed that Ashrah wasn't Smiling anymore.

"what's wrong?" he asked,

"everything with this is wrong and I'm aware this fake engagement doesn't mean anything, but I just want to know? what if you accept it to become the king? what does this do to us? that kind of lifestyle was never meant to be for me. I love what I do, going on quests and fighting villains having battles left and right and swinging my sword! I'm a warrior Sayf not a Queen." Ashrah replied sighting heavily,

Sayf chuckled a bit at her concerns, "I told you that's not going to happen!! I'm not Going to accept taking the throne. obviously that lifestyle doesn't suit to me either and I love what I do and I love that I do it with you Ashrah! I mean imagine me sitting on in an office and discussing government business with old wrinkling men who only care about expanding their wealth c'mon! trust me, I don't even know how to lead myself?! let alone lead a country!" He answered washing away her worries.

"sorry I'm always scolding you, guess that's my toxic habit or something." Ashrah said apologize, Sayf reassured her that he's not effected by it.

Sayf then pulled out something that was sticking out from the inside of his blazer's pocket, a vintage ring box.

" Damn?! you really thought of everything! okay! this jewelry box looks expensive you're not spending your money on shit you don't need right? * giggling* seriously where did you get it it's beautiful!" Ashrah asked eyeing the little box in his hand.

Sayf found himself involuntarily laughing at her constant concern of money, "Ash always concerned about how much it costs, let me spoil you a little darling! and if this eases your mind I only bought the Box! however the ring inside of it is not mine, I found it in the Attic inside some junk in my house. Maclop must have hidden it there for a reason."

Ashrah opened the box revealing a Golden diamond ring, there was initials carved into the ring, it says 'SH.KH'

"what does 'SH.KH' mean? isn't this one of the rings that used to belong to Maclop's ex-spouses? don't you think a ring that belong to a divorce couple is somewhere cursed?!"

"I don't know about that, I just think it's a cute ring and I'm hoping you accept it!"

"so what are his thoughts about this fake engagement, Did Maclop just handed you the ring or you took it without permission?"

Sayf scratched his face a little, " About that, Maclop canceled the trip from his side. he said he's not coming with us, so it's just you and me. I don't know what happened to him, but he's saying that he's staying here with Madame Sheeba. as for the ring He said something about he doesn't need it anymore because it's pointless."

Ashrah glares at him briefly before taking another deep breath fiddling with the ring in her hand, "seriously you keep surprising me today Sayf, I think I understand why Mac thinks this ring is useless. Those initials carved on the ring, I just understood what they mean...'SH.KH' stands for Sheeba Khan, he must have gotten this ring for her some time ago but I bet he didn't give it to her since she keeps rejecting him over and over. might not be a divorce ring but it's still as tragic."

"I feel awkward now, if you'd like I can get you another ring? I was afraid that if I went to buy a ring for you, I'll probably end up buying the most expensive one, and you're going to scold the shit out of me *chuckling* maybe I should have gotten you a customized ring or something." Said Sayf.

" no, no need Sayf. this ring is beautiful and Will do the job perfectly, well as long as me having it around my finger doesn't bother Maclop. and you're right you know better than anybody else that I don't care about how expensive gifts are, that jar of memories you gave me in my birthday is my most prized possession!"

" allow me then, your hand please." Sayf asked politely offering his hand, Ashrah placed her hand that she held the ring with gently on top of Sayf's hand.

"we're only seconds away from midnight, Are you sure you're still going with this my love?" Sayf asked one last time to make sure that Ashrah is still on board with this crazy plan.

she smiled like usual, " Love and wars, Ashes and Swords, May our glorious stories be forever told, and until Destiny chooses another Road, It is this path that I choose to walk." She replied staring deeply with her purple eyes at Sayf, this Vow was an old vow that Sheeba taught her when she was a little kid, a vow that Sheeba herself considers the highest form of a promise, sacred it cannot be broken.

Sayf gently placed the diamond ring around her finger while kissing her forehead, his eyes closed as soon as he landed his lips on her skin.

Ashrah closed her eyes well as she felt the kiss, her smile grew bigger as she said "happy 18 birthday Sayf"

the two were so lost in the moment, both of them were oblivient to the fact that a little pink and purple mixed Halo, has appeared out of nowhere and was surrounding the ring for a second before it disappeared back into nowhere.

...Chapter end....

reminder of the magic land calendar:

The Magic land calendar is the same as the Normal word just with different names:

there's 7 days of the week

1- Grindyday (beginning of the week like a Monday)

2 - Shizday

3- Zimday

4 -Fangday

5 -Neyday

6-Skyday (weekend)

7-Greenday (weekend)

there's 12 months in the year :

(first month) Januarrek,











Decemberpuff (last month of the year)