(A/N. Check the Aux chapters for a little contest.)
{POV Ryuu.}
"Alright folks, it's time to start the next round of this grand tournament!! Will the next students please, come on down!! As we got ourselves an amazing battle, we got Midoriya versus Todoroki going head to head!!" Present Mic's voice echoed across the stadium as the crowd started to cheer in anticipation for the competition.
[Second Round.]
Deku vs. Shoto.
Shiozaki vs. Ida.
Ryuu vs. Fumikage
Bakugou vs. Eijiro.
"Good at least the fight hasn't started yet. Uraraka are you sure you're going to be ok?"
I was a little shocked when I heard Bakugou's voice as there was a softness in it that I never heard before. In fact I don't think anyone has ever heard that type of tone in his voice ever as everyone was utterly surprised.
Uraraka ignored everyone's surprise as she smiled before nodding her head as she sat down with Bakugou right next to her.
Ancient be damned the fucking firecracker, has feeling for Uraraka. Mei even started to giggle as an embarrassed look started to spread on Bakugou's face.
"Now this should be an interesting fight. I wonder if Deku fixed his habit of breaking his…" I started to speak in a happy tone as I turned my attention back to the fight before I noticed Dekus finger start to glow.
"Nevermind, he just continues to break his damn self."
Deku launched a powerful attack as did Shoto, but it seemed as if Deku won the exchange as Shoto's ice blew back. Deku's face contorted in pain before he did the same thing again as did Shoto.
"They're both fools. Deku keeps breaking himself while Shoto continues to hold himself back from his true power." I said with a frown on my face.
"But they're both quite strong since they are able to rapidly fire their attacks." Eijiro said out loud as he rested his palm on his chin. As Deku continued with another flick of his fingers shattering Shoto's ice.
"Yes they are strong, but Deku is crippling himself by destroying his hand." Bakugou said with a calm voice as Deku continued to destroy his right hand with another flick.
"Even Icy-Hot isn't doing any better since he's not fully using his ability…"
I nodded my head with a small smile on my face as Bakugou continued to describe the faults of both Deku and Shoto, all the while Deku continued to shatter his fingers.
I was starting to get bored with the fight as Deku finally shattered the last finger on his right hand before Shoto got close as he attacked with a good sized ice attack, while Deku launched a left straight shattering his entire left arm.
"Why does Deku continue to break himself everytime he uses his ability?" Uraraka said softly with confusion in her voice.
"Because he's like a newborn child. He doesn't properly know how to use it." Bakugou said with slight frustration in his voice as he answered Urarakas question.
"He thinks that he always needs to use it at full power like a certain number one hero."
Uraraka seemed surprised by Bakugous answer as she looked around, noticing the group around her all nodded their heads in agreement.
I smiled as I was about to say something before Deku continued his assault on Shoto with his shattered right hand. Going so far as to challenge Shoto to use his other half screaming out 'fight me'.
They both continued to attack each other with the same pattern while Deku continued to challenge Shoto.
I even noticed the look in Shoto's eyes start to change as it seemed Deku was getting through to him, as Shoto exploded out with flames.
"SHOTOOOOOOOOOO!!!" A deep and greedy voice yelled out.
"So you've finally accepted yourself, good!! Now this is your true beginning, you who hold my blood, surpass me… and realize my ambition!!"
Ah so that must be Endeavor. Quite the interesting pep talk I guess… I mean Shoto does hate your guts but still. At least he's finally stopped holding back.
I smiled when I saw Shoto use his full potential as it seemed both Deku and Shoto decided to quickly end their battle.
"Well this should be over soon, look," I said as I pointed my finger towards Midnight and the moderator as they started to take action as both Deku and Shoto did.
They created a massive explosion! As dust and debris made a smokescreen.
The smoke slowly started to fade before revealing Deku out of bounds while Shoto hardly had a scratch on him as he continued to stand in the arena as Present Mic loudly declared the winner of the fight.
"Well it seems like our turn is coming up soon, Fumikage." I said as I started to head down to the tunnels. "The next match should be a quick one."
Fumikage nodded his head as he got up and started to head down to the arena.
The next match was between Ida and Shiozaki. Ida was easily able to win with hardly a challenge.
The fight between Fumikage and I was nothing special as we both treated it like a sparring match as I used my martial prowess while Fumikage used his dark shadow like a cloak as we traded blows.
I was impressed with Fumikages display as was the crowd as they were stunned silent as we traded blows. But Fumikage overthrew a punch as I trapped his arm before pinning him to the ground as he surrendered making the crowd go wild.
"Damn, Fumikage. I think you might have fractured my ribs." I said while laughing as I helped Fumikage to his feet.
"Well you did say not to hold back, so that's what you get," Fumikage smirked as he started to laugh. "Besides, I needed to find a way to have some payback for that hell training you put us through."
We both started to laugh as we headed to the nurse to heal our injuries. We even watched the next fight between Eijiro and Bakugou.
The entire fight was another slugfest but with explosions and close calls. Bakugou ended up the victor. They both even ended up joining us in the nurses room as they were both covered in bruises.
"Well it seems like it's going to be you and me next Bakugou." I said with a smile as I started to head out the door as my injuries were fully healed as Bakugou nodded with a challenging light in his eye.
I even ran into Ida as I was waiting in the tunnel as he was coming down to battle it out with Shoto.
I didn't even wait a full minute before Ida was already on his way back into the tunnel as he was quickly defeated by Shoto. I was about to call out to him to try and cheer him up, but he walked right past me. Rude.
I just shook my head as I headed out to the arena, but I was surprised that Shoto was still standing on the stage.
"Allright, well it seems that we got some news as it seems that Bakugou is still not fully recovered from his last fight and has been deemed unable to compete!!" Present Mic shouted out loud with a little too much enthusiasm. "So we're moving along to the next match with Ryuu versus Shoto!!"
I frowned at Present Mics announcement. Bakugou wasn't as injured as he said. Sure he had some intense bruising and maybe some fractures but that wouldn't have stopped him. I mean hell they allowed Deku to continue fighting as he shattered his body.
"Well I guess I'll rage for you Bakugou since they decided to pull this shit. I hope you're ready, Shoto." I said with a calm smile on my face as I walked onto the stage.
"Besides I think there are some in the crowd who will be quite interested in what my ability is like."
Present Mic quickly announced the start of the match as I unleashed my war domain using ten percent of my war energy as the weight of 7,000 fully armored soldiers started to weigh on Shoto. Completely freezing him on the spot.
"You see, my ability is rather unique, as I found it's not like most. It's kinetic as it relies on a type of energy I like to call war energy." I slowly started to walk towards Shoto as he started to pale. "As you can tell it's quite heavy as that's what war is, heavy."
I continued to slowly approach Shoto as he started to struggle a little with my war domain as I increased it by another percentage making the weight increase by another 500.
"You see, I'm able to increase the weight of my war domain rather easily, but at a cost. Normally I'd go berserk if I used too much, making me attack everyone around me. But luckily I'm able to use a decent amount of it."
The entire stadium was silent as I continued my explanation on my war manipulation ability. I just continued to smile as I stood in front of Shoto as I started to imbue eight percent of the heaviness of my war energy into my fist as it started to glow a dark red.
"But this technique is different as it only allows me to use the heaviness of my war energy that I've mastered. And trust me it's quite the heavy hand." I laughed as I grabbed Shoto's coller. "So I hope you're able to take it as this is my little revenge for Tsuyu."
'Emperors Fist.' (A/N. Trust me on this. I fucking cringed writing this.)
I quickly threw my fist towards Shotos' side, but before I connected the loud panicked voices of Aizawa, Present Mic, and Endeavor roared through the stadium asking for me to hold my hand.
But I didn't, as Shoto felt the weight of my Emperor's Fist as well as the strength behind it. I even felt multiple ribs break as I noticed that he encased his feet in ice to keep himself in place.
I didn't even say anything as I canceled my war domain and looked at the crowd with a relaxing smile on my face as I felt their awe, hate, and fear.