Training in the Forest.

{POV Ryuu.}

I really hate you Ancient, I didn't even get to sleep last night. I'm so tired.

Let's just say last night was busy. Mei, Tsuyu, Stain, Blackmist, and even Nezu showed up. It was quite the party.

Nezu especially since he just randomly showed up from the damn forest with a look of satisfaction on his face.

But what surprised me was the 'person' who Stain said wanted to meet me.

Unfortunately Stain wasn't able to get a name since everyone he asked took that to the grave. But he did say that it was someone from a government agency who was trying to find some information about me. And not a low-level agency either, as they weren't looking for information on Khorne, rather information about myself personally.

Seems whatever Nezu did caught someone's attention, since he deleted or removed my information somehow. Nezu said he would get back to me as soon as he was able as he seemed surprised when he found out.

I even invited Blackmist over when everything was all said and done for a little improv-to party since why not.

Nezu and Blackmist actually really seemed to hit it off when I introduced them, they seemed like they were old friends or knew each other. The girls got to meet Stain, Mei even asked to spar with him as did Tsuyu. When he agreed I kinda felt bad for him, especially when I saw the smile on both Mei and Tsuyu's faces.

I even sent a silent prayer to, Ancient.

As for the reason I was up the rest of the night was because of Nezu. The fluffy bastard waited until everyone had started to leave as he sprung something up on me and gave me a giant stack of paper with multiple files to study from nowhere before morning. Then left with a smile on his face. He's lucky he is fluffy.

Aizawa definitely wasn't happy when he saw me this morning, wearing my armor, next to the buses with a bag. "Morning Aizawa, ready for the trip?" Aizawa didn't say anything as he just stood next to me with a tired and unhappy expression.

I shrugged my shoulders as we watched all of those who were going on this forest summer trip. Someone from Class-B even tried to start something with Class-A but was quickly stopped by what looked like the big sister of the class. Then after that everything went pretty smoothly.

I even got a special seat next to Aizawa in the front. I didn't mind as I just slept for what felt like an hour before the bus stopped as we got off on a certain spot on a cliff. Everyone rushed off to take in the amazing view, or seemed to be looking for a bathroom.

Well isn't this a nice location. Nice view, mountains, forests, the professional heroes; the pussycats, and a kid. Wait, who is the kid, I don't remember seeing him in the files. Must be related to one of them then.

They even introduced themselves with a partially finished hero pose as it looked like they were missing the others. It was rather interesting to see, but the kid didn't seem interested. It wasn't surprising when Deku spewed out a lot of personal information about them. Now that I think about it he's kinda stalkerish.

Deku even mentioned something about years or age before Pixie-Bob put a paw in Dekus face, making him shut up. She said something about eighteen in her heart. I found it hilarious when it happened.

Then Mandalay started to mention the area we were currently at was their domain while pointing towards the base of one of the mountains with a slight smile saying that's where they would be staying.

"It's nine-thirty right now, if you kick it into high gear, it'll be about twelve. The kittens that don't make it before twelve-thirty won't be eating."

The looks of the faces on some of the other students started to quickly change while some of them started to connect the dots as looks of slight panic took over. A few of them even started to try and run back to the bus as fast as they could. But when I saw Tsuyu, Bakugou, Eijiro, and the others I trained, I started to smile as they seemed ready for what was about to happen.

"I'm sorry everyone…" Aizawa said silently as Pixie-Bob bent and touched the ground as a massive wave of earth threw everyone off the cliff. "But your school trip has already started."

Mandalay shouted out saying that they could use their abilities as they saw fit, saying that they had three hours to get to the facility.

"They should have been doing stuff like this for a while, Aizawa. But still it's rather good training." I was impressed with the way Aizawa just sent the class over the cliff.

"Well the plan was always to do this accelerated learning course, normally those in their first term of their second year start this type of training. And you're right we should have been doing this earlier." Aizawa sighed as he nodded his head as he explained what the training allowed them to work on.

I nodded my head as I started to stretch. "Well I'll see you all at the facility, call me when they are all back at the base."

Aizawa seemed surprised but before he could say anything I was gone as I left a flickering image of myself. Well it's not perfect but it'll do for now, I'll call it Flickr Steps.

Wait, I forgot my bag…! I wonder how quickly Tsuyu and the others will finish.

But when I was half-way through the forest I stopped as I felt a familiar presence as I started to smile and headed in the direction of the familiar presence.

I just smiled as Stain drew his katana with an intense amount of bloodlust, as he stopped his blade short just before it touched my neck. He didn't even remove it as he started to laugh and smile.

"That was a good reaction, I think you even shaved a couple of my neck hairs," I laughed as Stain shook his head and sheathed his katana. "Well since we're here we might as well call Blackmist and let him know what's up." I sighed as Stain pulled out his phone and called Blackmist and handed me the phone.

"Hey Blackmist, how's your morning so far, great awesome. Well it seems the information we had for the original location for the heroes has changed…"

Hey I am still in the Villain Alliance for now, plus this'll be great for everyone's growth. That, and there is a chance Tsuyu and Toga will get to meet and introduce themselves.

Plus I also wanted to join in on the fun and observe the ambush while also committing kidnapping.

Yeah Tomura thought it was a good idea to kidnap Bakugou as he remembered his past behavior and thought he was the perfect candidate for the Alliance. I thought it was a dumb idea but I agreed anyway as it would be interesting to see. Seeing as Bakugou has been looking for a good reason to let loose.

Blackmist was also kind enough to let me know that ten others were going to be involved and gave me the location of where they would be meeting up before quickly hanging up.

So many people for such a simple ambush. I just smiled and shook my head before asking Stain if he wanted to go and scout the location for the meet up, as he nodded his head in agreement. We even made it a game as we headed towards the location seeing who was able to get there first.

"Well it definitely is a good location," Stain said with a heavy breath. "You're able to get a good view of the base as well. And what technique was that?"

"Yeah, if you look close enough you can even make out the areas where they will be training to improve themselves. Flickr Steps, I'll teach you later." I agreed with Stain as I continued to look and observe the area.

"Still I wonder how the other students will react when they see a couple of familiar faces in the ambush.

I smiled as I started to come up with a plan in order to make sure the ambush would at least be successful. I knew that everything wasn't going to go as planned but I made sure that whatever I did would succeed.

We both continued to scout and got to know the location until we both knew the area like the back of our hands. Luckily when we were done my phone buzzed with a text from Aizawa asking where I was at.

I told Stain that I would see him later with a wave as I left a flickering image.

I quickly arrived only to see the kid from earlier punch Deku in his balls, making me trip as I laughed while tumbling on the ground.

I wasn't the only one who found it funny as Bakugou was also laughing. Aizawa on the other hand didn't find it all that funny as his brows just twitched with annoyance. Luckily hero boy Deku had Ida to help him out while also trying to scold the kid for what he did.

But soon the smell of food changed everyones focus as many seemed to be exhausted from earlier as they started to gorge themselves with satisfied expressions. Pixie-Bob even mentioned something about a hot spring which made everyone excited as some started to rush to be the first ones in.

Well at least they'll be able to relax for a few days before things start becoming hectic.