
Wu Chenjin gave Song Nuanyi a call. She was cooking at home. She had been too busy with work recently and did not have much time to visit her father. She planned to make some food for her father and go to the hospital to take a look.

"Nuanyi, are you free today? I want to go out with you."

Song Nuanyi handed the things to the nutritionist, wiped her hands, and switched the speaker to the receiver. She happily curled up on the sofa and replied, "Sure, I'm going to visit my father today. You can come with me."

Wu Chenjin said, "Okay, then I'll go pick you up. Let's go together."

20 minutes later, Wu Chenjin arrived at Song Nuanyi's house.

As soon as he opened the door, Song Nuanyi threw herself at him and gave him a big hug. Wu Chenjin's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his hand to hug her even tighter.

Song Nuanyi pressed her face against his chest and mumbled, "We haven't seen each other for a long time. I miss you so much."