Still Working?

Song Nuanyi snorted and glared at Wu Chenjin. "I realized that ever since I agreed to be with you, you've become more and more impudent. If this continues, how will this family have a place for me?"

Wu Chenjin knew that Old Master Wu had a great influence on his marriage. Many elders had followed Old Master Wu for many years. Even though they were old heroes, they still had their dignity. It was not easy to get them to admit that Song Nuanyi was the daughter-in-law of the Wu family.

Song Nuanyi did not think too much about it. She did not care whether the Wu family recognized her or not. She was just joking. Seeing that Wu Chenjin's expression had become serious, she realized that Wu Chenjin had probably thought of the Wu family.

She deliberately joked, "Hey! How can you be distracted with such a beautiful woman like me in your arms?"

She pulled on Wu Chenjin's shirt collar and asked in an imposing manner, "Tell me! which woman do you want?"