Second-Place from Class 20

Luo Hua heaved a heavy sigh of relief and, with a face full of joy, he announced, "719 points! Congratulations, you did very well!"

Everyone erupted in excited cries as they turned to Yao Ran with mixed expressions of disbelief and awe.

With this, she practically had one foot in either Qing University or Jing University already, both of which were top-notch universities in the country.

Luo Hua was beaming at Yao Ran like she was some rare treasure he had unearthed. It was all he could do not to worship at her feet.

At the back of the room, Xi Yan stared at the girl with a complicated look on her face.

Soon, Yao Ran's score spread throughout their grade. Every time the story was relayed, it was followed by cries of shock and envy.

They had all struggled with the math test, yet she had somehow scored more than 140 marks. She truly was an outstanding student.