The First Placer

Qing Jing hated having to put up with Yao Ran's fakery.

She didn't even come close to her Sister Tang's level. Even if Yao Ran was envious, she should have known her place by now, and should be ceasing all of her useless schemes.

Lin Xin, on the other hand, didn't have such vindictive thoughts. Instead, she was staring Yao Tang with unabashed admiration.

While everyone else was gripped with anxiety as they checked and rechecked their scores online, Yao Tang was leisurely enjoying her lunch without a care in the world.

Meanwhile, in the Teachers' Office, Xi Yan had just learned of Qin Jing's results.

Luo Hua leaned back against his seat, looking smug as he sipped his tea. "Ah, Yao Ran's results are truly outstanding. I'm pretty sure we won't see another student like her maybe even in the next few years."