Full Marks

"I really should take a video of you one of these days," Qin Jing drawled.

"I'll show it to your fans and your classmates, so they can finally see you for who you really are! Disgusting!"

Yao Ran whirled around and froze when she saw Qin Jing. The humiliation she had suffered from the girl last time was still painfully fresh in her mind.

"Get lost!" Qin Jing snapped before Yao Ran could say anything, her eyes flashing ferociously.

Yao Tang slowly removed her earphones and looked at Qin Jing.

"Let's go," she said lightly.

She didn't even acknowledge Yao Ran.

It was as though she was nothing more than a piece of trash floating by—insignificant, and nothing worth paying any attention to.

Qin Jing shouldered linked her arm with Yao Tang's and the two girls walked away.

They left Yao Ran standing there, her chest heaving up and down with the effort to stifle her rage.