Money Was More Important

Yu Jing still hadn't announced her expulsion from the sect. This made Cheng Wei confident that it wouldn't come to that point at all, that her master wouldn't go to such lengths.

Besides, it wasn't as if she had committed some fatal mistake.

By all accounts, she remained as the number one in the neurology department, just as the invitation card had stated.

Given how significant the event was, there would certainly be a lot of famous personalities in attendance.

She would probably run into Yu Jing, too, but Cheng Wei wasn't worried. She knew he was old-fashioned and prideful, much like most of the traditional geezers in the field.

At most, he might just give her a cold greeting.

Cheng Wei saw no need for concern.

She initially hadn't planned to go to the conference; she had other business to attend to that day. But then she saw the venue on the invitation card.

City A!