No Dirt on the Target

Wednesday evening.

The Jiangdong Group had booked a large banquet hall in the heart of City A for the conference.

Everything was ready right on time, and now, they only had to wait for the delegates and guests to arrive.

Cheng Wei was sitting in her car, wearing a pair of dark sunglasses over her exquisitely painted face. She sported a smart-casual, white suit that made her look chic and professional.

She was talking to someone on the phone at that moment, visibly upset.

"What did you say? You still haven't found anything on that person?"

Her nostrils flared as she took a deep breath. Her fist was clenched tightly on her lap.

When the Shadow League had gone through a system failure, she had opted for another group in the same line of business. It wasn't as good or renowned as the Shadow League, but it was a close second. Cheng Wei had a lot of expectations for them.

What happened, however, was simply a nightmare.