The Absence of a Good Relationship

"After a clear investigation is performed, we've discovered that Yao Ran and Yao Tang didn't have a good relationship. In fact, there was a rumor that the former had something to do with Yao Tang almost dropping out of school. However, the details of the entire exchange are unknown."

Upon reading this, Cheng Wei's eyes lit up. A smile crossed her features.

They weren't on good terms?

Well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend—wasn't that right? As Yao Ran and Yao Tang weren't on good terms, then Cheng Wei could start right at the source. Her lips twitched upward.

The woman grabbed her phone out of her pocket and took all the pictures she needed. Once she was finished, she shoved it back and stood up.

"Uncle Zhang, I'll be leaving now."

Cheng Wei glanced at Chef Zhang—their private chef—and smiled. "I won't disturb his phone call anymore. I'll be staying at my hotel, and will be coming back some other day."