My Sister-in-Law

Yao Ran looked like a flower that had just bloomed—delicate and innocent. Cheng Wei could feel all the men's gazes directed at the young girl, feeling protective over her. The corners of her lips twitched.


She would make a strong partner. Not only was she good-looking, immediately earning the people's trust, but also very smart. She was the perfect candidate for her to recruit.

"Don't worry," she immediately comforted, taking Yao Ran's hand into hers. "Besides, I've been waiting for Cheng Zhou to get a girlfriend since forever. And you...I'd just like to get to know my future sister-in-law."

The meaning behind her words couldn't be more obvious.

This would be good for Yao Ran. It would be best if she had a partner from the inside.

"Please, you spoke too soon," she said shyly.