The Missing Five

"You came to No. 1 High School to study, not to have fun and mess around! You've let your parents down this time. You'd better fix your performance, or you can forget about getting a good college education. Just look at the students from Class 20. Unlike you lot, only a few of them have prominent backgrounds to speak of, yet they somehow bested you all the same. Tell me, why aren't you trying harder with your studies, huh?"

The form teacher of Class 19 gave his students a stern gaze, hoping that it would convey the urgency of their situation and inadvertently persuade them to correct their complacent attitude.

As things stood, Class 20 was on a roll, and it didn't seem like they were stopping any time soon. It wouldn't do good for Class 19 to fall behind in the forthcoming days.

Meng Yang was sauntering back into their classroom after having his lunch. He had just stepped inside when he noticed the strange atmosphere.