Dropping Out

"The first one was incomplete. This is the report card for our class."

Meng Yang's face contorted with anger, and the veins on his neck bulged as he slammed the report on a nearby desk.

Then he turned to glare at Lu Ming and Yan Yu, as well as the others whose names had been missing from the first report card.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Were you feeling unwell on the day of the exam or something?"

But the five people only hung their heads and said nothing.

A beat of silence followed.

The air in the room grew heavy.

When Meng Yang couldn't hold it in any longer, he strode over and stood in front of Lu Ming and Yan Yu. "I always thought you guys were amazing. So this is all you're capable of! I really overestimated you."

Lu Ming started at that, and he took a step forward.

Just when everyone thought he was finally going to explain himself, he opened his mouth and said, "Move aside! I need to use the bathroom!"