More Important

Memories of the past flashed in Old Madam's mind. A helpless sigh escaped her lips. "I am at fault as well. At the time, I insisted on going to a nearby pagoda to offer incense. This wouldn't have happened if I had only stayed."

She reached out and rubbed Yao Tang's back in a comforting gesture.

Meanwhile, Yao Ran was stewing in her seat. She had effectively become an outsider to this family. No one thought to extend her some consideration, despite the multiple times they had brought up her name in the conversation.

Every word that was spoken felt like another layer of her ideal life was being stripped off of her, revealing her despicable origins.

"Grandma, Dad, Mom," Yao Ran said, her voice tight, her fists clenched at her sides. "I still have band practice to attend. I'll take my leave first."

Qin Man instantly perked up, and her expression eased somewhat.

"All right, all right. Go prepare your purse and we'll go."