Music Association Assessment

"You don't understand, Mom. Our Ranran is under the tutelage of a great music master. She has a bright future ahead of her. Why, at this rate, it would only be a matter of time before she gets admitted into the Music Association!"

Qin Man paused to give Yao Tang a disdainful glance.

"On the other hand, if we give this money to Yao Tang, she would only spend it eating and drinking outside. She's used to being poor, anyway, so what's the point in providing her an allowance? For all we know, it might land her in even bigger troubles than before!"

In her mind, giving cash to the likes of Yao Tang was as good as burning it before her very eyes.

That bumpkin was nothing like Ranran, who knew how to manage her personal finances and could therefore be trusted with sizable pocket money.

Old Madam Yao's expression grew even more ferocious. She strode over to Qin Man, grabbed the check, and stuffed it in Yao Tang's hands.