No Ordinary Student

The teacher muttered something about Yao Tang being back, then picked up her textbook and proceeded to review the key points of their previous lesson.

Soon enough, the bell rang for the next period.

As soon as their Biology teacher stepped into the room, her eyes went straight to Yao Tang. "Yao Tang!" she exclaimed. "You're finally back. Are you feeling better now?"

Yao Tang had told them that she had been ill, hence her leave of absence. Now that she had returned to school, it seemed like the teachers couldn't be happier.

She obliged the teacher and assured the latter that she was fine.

"That's good, then," the Biology teacher sighed. "Your health is more important than anything. Make sure you take care of yourself, or Class 20 might not survive the school year."

This went on for the rest of the morning, with the teachers expressing both pleasure and surprise upon seeing Yao Tang, then asking about her health.