The New Seats

"Lin Xin, what about me? Did I do well on the exam?" Another boy shouted from right behind them, teasing the student. "Maybe I've improved too."

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Whatever!" Lin Xin shot a glare at the boy behind her, holding onto her friend's hand. "It's almost time for class. Shouldn't you be preparing your textbooks?"

Another round of laughter echoed around the class as they went to their seats. It's obvious how well they all get along with each other.

Just then, five people walked into the classroom, wearing uniforms from another school. They stuck together, with their heads tilted upward.

The boys wore some suits and vests, while the girls wore pleated skirts and buttoned-up shorts. They looked very youthful and well-put together, compared to the others from Class 20.

Some of them had arm bands tied around their sleeves.

Although No. 1 High School had uniforms, the students didn't wear them.