Change Your Clothes

Lu Qing grabbed Xu Xuan's chin between his fingers and pulled her close. "Is this how you beg?" he whispered in her ear.

Her eyes were wide with fear. "What do you want me to do?"

Lu Qing sneered and released her, shaking his head as he walked back to the sofa.

He lounged back lazily and gestured to the man closest to him.

The subordinate nodded in understanding and walked forward carrying a tray. In it was a pink dress with lace trapping. He held it up for Xu Xuan.

"Go and change your clothes!" Lu Qing barked.

Xu Xuan was silent for a moment. After considering her options, she shook her head timidly and said, "I'm not working today."

"Oh?" Lu Qing played with the bracelet, spinning it around his index finger. "All right, then I suppose you won't be getting this precious item back today, either. I'll just cut this up and return the pieces to you on your next shift. What do you think?"

"I'll change! I'll go change right now!"