A Clue About the Bracelet

Qin Jing's face scrunched up as she stared at the entrance of the place. It was the club she frequented for snacks.

The same place where they had met Xu Xuan while she was working as a server.

If Xu Xuan had come here for work, she wouldn't have been so shaken when she was called over.

Something else must have happened.

Qin Jing mulled this over for a moment before taking out a card from her purse. Then she took hold of Yao Tang's wrist again and dragged the latter inside.

The truth was that Xu Xuan had rushed over because she received news about her bracelet.

It had been so long since she had lost it. She always ended up empty-handed no matter how hard she searched, so she had asked the lobby manager to keep an eye out, just in case.

It was a precious heirloom, after all, one that she had worn since she was a little girl.