Similar Techniques

When Grandma Xu heard this, her smile turned even brighter. "All right, all right. In that case, I will have to trouble Little Tang again."

"It's not a problem," Yao Tang nodded politely. "Let's head inside and go to your room first."

Once the old woman was settled on the bed, Yao Tang took out her silver needles.

Grandma Xu's eyes glazed over as she watched the spindly thing glinting in the light, her thoughts traveling far back into the past. In the time that her mind wandered, Yao Tang had already inserted five needles into the old woman's body.

The last time she had administered acupuncture, Grandma Xu was barely conscious and was therefore unable to witness Yao Tang's technique. Things were different now, however. Her eyes widened in shock as she registered the girl's actions.

Despite being young, Yao Tang was extremely skilled. Her movements were graceful, yet swift and precise. Not once did her hands tremble.