What About Xuanxuan

"Still, the adults are trying to have a proper conversation here. A thoughtless girl like you is in no position to meddle with our affairs. You would do well to show your grandmother some respect and behave. She was the one who brought you up, after all."

The couple piped up one after the other and taunted Xu Xuan.

Their words sent Grandma Xu flying into a rage. Her breaths turned heavy and labored, but she was determined to scold them.

"Stop talking to her like that! Xuanxuan is much more sensible than the two of you combined! Don't think that I don't know what you're trying to do. You want to anger me to death, don't you? Leave this place and get as far away as possible!"

Xu Hong was Grandma Xu's youngest daughter. She lived just a couple of kilometers from this house, but she hardly paid her mother a visit ever since she married Liu Zhi. It was as though Grandma Xu no longer existed.