Simple and Straightforward Solutions

She may never know how Yao Tang had done it, but Yao Ran was sure that the former had a hand in her injury.

Besides, if Yao Tang hadn't shown up at the party all of a sudden, Yang Nian wouldn't have publicly acknowledged her as his fiancée, and Yao Ran wouldn't have been forced to pretend she was hurt.

In the end, she had only humiliated herself in front of their schoolmates.

Yao Ran could just imagine the horrible things those busybodies must be saying behind her back.

Yao Tang glanced at her briefly and spoke in an indifferent tone.

"Maybe if you stopped appearing in front of me like this, you could live a better life. Also, don't move around when you aren't fit to do so. Just stay at the hospital. That would be best for everyone."

Yao Ran's lips curled into a sneer, her hands balling into fists. "In that case," she said through gritted teeth, "I do wish Sister a long and healthy life!"