A Promising Seedling

The invigilator raised her head and stared at the clock.

It hadn't even been an hour since the papers were handed out.

In other words, this student had only spent a handful of minutes on each question.

And yet, she was still able to solve them perfectly.

The invigilator herself had spent almost 30 minutes on the first question alone.

She decided to go over the rest of Yao Tang's answer sheet.

Sure enough, her solutions remained consistent in their simplicity.

The invigilator didn't even need to verify them since they were so clear and concise.

It took her another half hour to finally finish.

At that point, her forehead was beaded with sweat. She reached up to wipe it and sighed.

After going through Yao Tang's methods, she couldn't help but feel inadequate in her math-solving skills. A sense of shame washed over her.

But then, a thought occurred to her—was this ability normal for high school students?