President Tan's Apprentice

"I'm telling you, I've exhausted all my resources and reached out to all my connections, but I still couldn't find anyone qualified to substitute for those guys. I don't know what to do!"

If giving up had been an option, he would have thrown in the towel right then and there.

Sadly, it wasn't.

Fang Hui had been spiraling into despair these last few hours.

"It's all right," Yao Tang said calmly.

"We don't need those people."

Fang Hui felt like weeping. The symphony orchestra had a designated number of participants for a reason. If they missed a person or two, the difference in sound would be distinct and noticeable.

More importantly, they had standards to adhere to for the assessment.

They had been practicing according to these standards for so long. Losing a bunch of musicians would make significant changes to their overall performance.

As their ensemble leader, Yao Tang should be well-aware of these matters.