Unblocked For A Favor

"If you're just going to spend the next hour wallowing in your doubts, you might as well go and look for candidates you think are worthy to join us. You can't dump this all on Yao Tang and blame her later when it doesn't pan out."

Fang Hui's tone turned sharper as he added, "Besides, what does it matter that she's President Tan's apprentice? We should all be grateful that she's going to great lengths for our sake, even when she doesn't have to.

"Don't forget who the real participants of this assessment are, and why we're doing it in the first place."

The others couldn't help but lower their heads in shame.

"Well?" Fang Hui snapped when no one said anything. "What are you guys still doing here? Go and look for suitable substitutes!"

To their credit, everyone scrambled out of their seats and did as they were told.

Meanwhile, Yao Tang unblocked Xiao Jing's number from her blacklist and tapped the call button.