Treasure Hunting in the Mountain

Without Yao Tang, however, everyone felt as though they had all lost their backbones. They no longer had the confidence to push forward. If anything, they only felt more insecure.

Meanwhile, the girl in question took out her phone from her backpack. She tinkered with it for a while, and when she was done, it had turned into a special monitoring device.

"I knew it. It should be this way."

Yao Tang put the device away and headed toward her left.

At that same moment, in a cave in the depths of Lingyun Peak, a few strands of blue light floated in the space before disappearing into wisps of green smoke.

Outside, many animals were trudging toward the entrance as they sucked in large mouthfuls of energy from the air.

A handful of people were scattered among the horde. They had confirmed their target and were now headed inside the cave to find it.

"They caused such a big commotion; this had better be worth a lot."