She Was Pushed

Yao Tang's mood grew heavy.

She surveyed her surroundings with a grim look on her face.

Broken rocks were strewn everywhere.

It looked like the aftershock had done immense damage to the overall landscape of the mountain.

But to her surprise, she realized that the rocks that had already been in the pit didn't look cracked in the slightest. It even seemed like they hadn't moved at all.

Upon closer inspection, she found that they were made from a different composition compared to those on the surface.

Meanwhile, above her, everyone was still in a daze as the tremors gradually subsided. They were aware that some of their schoolmates had fallen to their deaths. As for the survivors, they were all muddy and dirty, but they were glad to be alive.

Lin Xin was in a state of shock. She played the scene just now over and over in her head.

Yao Tang had saved her, but she ended up falling into the crack herself.