Unjust Treatment

In Elder Nie's eyes, the Cabinet Elders were just a bunch of hypocrites. So he had chosen a greener pasture for himself, what was wrong with that?

They were the ones who hogged all the resources instead of sharing them equally among everyone!

The Cabinet Elders were in a state of disbelief. How could Elder Nie betray them over something so trivial?

They couldn't grasp his reasoning at all.

Mostly because they had never heard of a place where a prestigious circle like theirs distributed the resources equally. In the first place, these resources were all based on the members' individual efforts and merits.

The perfect example of this would be Elder Xu. By all rights, his aptitude was fairly average, and he wasn't recognized as a particularly outstanding elder in the Cabinet.

And yet, he often obtained the most resources out of all of them.