President Tan's Awakening

The elders let out a collective sigh of relief. They liked this idea, it gave them some semblance of confidence.

If they chose the location, they could make sure that the enemy could not set up an ambush.

Perhaps they could have Elder Chen and his disciple back, after all.

This should be a nice development.

Now that most of the problems were cleared up, the elders were more or less at ease. It was only then that they realized Yao Tang was all by herself.

Where were the father and son that had left with her earlier?

They had been so worried about Yao Tang that President Tan and Tan Jian had slipped from their minds.

At some point, they figured that the two must have been detained and would appear sooner or later, but half a day had already passed, and they were still nowhere in sight.

This presented yet another conundrum.

Were those two injured, by any chance?