Raining Praises

But no one dared to mock Yang Ming to his face. After all, he was still a member of a powerful family over in Beijing. They were nothing in comparison, no matter how affluent they were here in City A.

They had lost enough face with the revelations about the second branch of the Yao family.

If they had known early on, they wouldn't have looked down on Yao Rong or Jiang Wan. Now, they would do anything to win Yao Yan's favor and secure their futures.

Since Yao Yan had forbidden them from talking about business matters, surely it was fine to delve into the Yao family instead.

The cunning ones were the first to think of this, and they wasted no time jumping into action.

A man in a suit walked up to Yao Rong and Jiang Wan and offered his congratulations.

"Your children are truly impressive. I heard that your daughter, Yao Tang, topped the Math Olympiad Competition. But I never expected that she got a perfect score! You must be so proud."